[Forum Game] You know you're addicted to EMC when...

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by SpaceShuttleFan, Oct 15, 2012.

  1. When you reply to "It's time to feed your dog..."
    With "But I just fed mine 3 rotten flesh!"
  2. When every time someone says "I see" I finish it with "see"... "ICC" :eek:
    Mrsmiley99 likes this.
  3. When you stare at your sugar cane watching them grow
    Qwerty189 likes this.
  4. Well mine is a little inapproiate...
    But when you don't spend time with your GF because you are too busy helping demo a house.
  5. When you turn into a person pretending to be a tomato.
  6. When you're bored in class and think about things that could happen on EMC.
  7. When you see Minecraft in a test and start laughing so hard and get in trouble.

  8. When you talk to your friends on the empire more than you talk to your friends in real life.
    mba2012 likes this.
  9. Lol. In my biggest English test of the year the last question was about minecraft.
  10. When you summon up the power to overcome Justin and IcC in a battle.

    (A.K.A. Never)
  11. When typing "em" into your browser brings up this website.
    zeke1o0o, mba2012 and TomvanWijnen like this.
  12. When !g Empire US brings up EMC above America in an unbiased search...
    RED_Spy1 likes this.
  13. When you think being a logger is a good career choice after tending your tree farm on your res
  14. When you deprive your body of food, bathroom, sleep, and pretty much everything else it needs, just to finish that building.
  15. When you realize "Why am i playing i have an Exam tomorrow?"
    mba2012 and zombieslayer010 like this.
  16. When u disguise as Icc, Maxarias, Aikar, justin guy or any other mod in another server while having op ;)
  17. When you need glasses for staring at the screen to long. Not me.
  18. When you have the forums open at all times.
  19. When the 80% of your thoughts while not on EMC are about being on EMC.
    Jeanzl2000 likes this.
  20. When every time you breath, your breath is "EMC"