Paet accepts your offer. Launching a single missile containing 3 warheads that will reach Porphiria in 5 posts.
No need for an apology Here is current list of some magic things Pan knows: Water movement, freeze frame, Fireball, fire, Grass Growth, Metal Detector, Dirt Exchange, and Electrical Power
We only have four different shields for our solar system: Detects when something passes through it Sends a warning if you choose Creates an illusion to misdirect people Freezes whoever tries to go through it We forgot to set up our shields in our excitement over creating them, but we shall do so now. It should take 2 posts to set up the first, 5 posts to set up the second, 6 posts to set up the third, and 10 posts to set up the fourth.
New Teleportation Modules have been created! Work is being done to put them on current spaceships. Next new tech: 15 posts.
You do realize that as soon as the middle made it to porphira the EMPs scrambled it and it was shot down Tanks complete Air defense complete (4)
CM's project Hammer has finished. Next projects - ROIP (Row-I-P) - Information below, this just a list: - Tracker bots - Spy bots - Security drones - Network drones Each bot/drone takes 3 posts to finish. To finish everything it will take: 12 posts. More information: ROIP is a project to introduce more use of the robot technologies we have. This robots will be called the: Base 1 droods. This means that newer robots will be released as technology advances
Catopia finishes researching and building defences. We raise our defences as we have recently heard of war. Catopia wishes to stay out of this war as best as we can. Catopia begins researching Anti-Aircraft Guns. (20 posts)
Porphira understands your concerns, and would like to request for Catopia if taking sides is necessary to remain at peace with porphira (cannon done)
Planet Name: Amor Didonis Planet Orientation: (Robotics, Magic, Organic, Studious, Expansion) Robotics/Magic Planet Relationship: (Hostile, Neutral, Peaceful) (Chaotic) Neutral Planet Number: N/A Origins: (Country on Earth) Italy, Corsica and Sicily (yep, goin' all latin up on yo' faces) Other Notes: and Bio: (No OP stuff) This is a rogue planet, therefore belonging to a solar system for extended periods of time, making both access to and from the planet difficult. The planet has many great scientists and engineers who only missed the target destination because SOMEONE *points at Jeff* for got to carry a one. The magic obtained is less of a natural gift based on deformities of birth or years of training but rather a source from the hunk or rock they call home which contains many features that Earth does, most of which are not viewable to the inhabitants due to rather quick temperature changes due to no steady orbit. The magic can only be used in a defensive manner as it can not be carried far from the sources without special preparation. All who live on this planet do so underground where climate changes do little to affect day to day life. The rogue planet manages to support two small moons. the larger of which along with the planet have an atmosphere almost identical in makeup to Earth. The moons are close enough that tides pull heavily and are visible almost always. There are creatures who lived here before the arrival of this group but all still extant are sea animals. The moons have already been named "Hic" and "Ille". And now for the situation of these fast acting individuals... Smoke is coming off the planet and will continue to do so for a while when the ships had a bit of a rough landing The planet's surface is more visible and large structures can be seen and the planet seems to move slowly, but is still drifting away. Work has begun to find any source of oils or fuels within the planet. That is all. For now... Mwuahahaha*cough cough*haha.... Ahh... I joined in kinda late. Meh.
No antimatter? Aw man. Well I guess its for the better. Remember what happened in the world war thing? iceland. 'nuff said.