(1 more post before the parts are applied to Amor Didonis then all the turns n stoof for the others) In regards to the offer of a treaty ( ) We know neither of intentions nor even your remote location therefore we must decline. The treaty will be offered if we come within viewing range of your planet.
Paet sends in 13 shuttles with some of our forcefield technology. They are not manned, and they each have 3 warheads. 5 posts until air strike.
Spud offers a deal. Pophira gives Spud quite a lot of steel, and Spud will not attack. Spud warns Pan that meddling with magic with list them as hostile. Project Intelligence is complete! Spud has begun sending probes to all charted planets excepting allies.
Amor Didonis sends out a random message to every planet that is able to receive it. It states "Tua mater criceta et tuus pater olfacebatur bacarum senioris." and appears to be written in another language or is just gibberish. Possibly just a test for something but for what... And if it isn't, WHAT DOES IT MEEEEAN?!?! DOUBLE RAINBOOOOOWS! (Also, at this point, the work on the other, still unnamed planet has begun and 3 posts left until it is done I think... Then 4 more for a base there. I shall fly through the star, just two rogue planets, helping solve mysteries in distant solar systems. I call that for a book basis.)
Well this Spaceborn just carved his face into a rogue planet using giant spaceship rockets. I win at life.
Planet Name: Keron Planet Orientation: Robotics, Studious Planet Relationship: Peaceful Planet Number: 14 Origins: United States of America Other Notes: and Bio: This planet is a fairly small planet, with low gravity, and 3 continents. 78% of the planets surface is water, and the air is about the same a earth. There are many animals, including the seven-tailed cat, which is very much like an earth cat, but is stronger. The planet has only had humans on one of the continents, called Auntegen II, named after our ship, which landed here.
Paet's shuttles have arrived at Porphiria. Each shuttle launches 1 missile. They will hit in 2 posts, obliterating most technologies but not the Capitol city, as that is covered by a forcefield.
To assist booz, LAN sends Armored SWARM missiles to the capital of Porphiria, Armor will be disolved by FF, but the SWARM shoudl get past (5 posts). Meanwhile, The Hive has been eradicated of RADS, and a "Secret" is being built on the land... (will inform brick tomorrow morning) (50 posts)
You do realize my planet has a giant EMP field and the only tech or anything is in the capital. You missiles wouldn't do anything at all to me so you are just blowing up dirt.
Porphira sends steel with a hope that we can remain at peace Puts weak explosives in steel. Only to be used if Part double crosses
Robots shut down by EMP. Porphirans use the steal to make a statue of an enemy warrior and it is put in town center as a propaganda rally
Moar UHS! Spud begins creating moar UHS with the steel. Spud has finally reached P3! It is now officially named GreasyFry, and research has been done. 40% Water, amazing, due to being so close to the sun. 80°F, also amazing. Oxygen-filled air No signs of wildlife. No signs of plantlife. No signs of available material. Spud plans to make this planet a tourism planet, as it is much like Earth. A Spudland and the Spud Tower or the Spudtue of Liberty will be built there.
So. There is an EMP field surrounding Porphiria, and your forcefield ISN'T DESTROYED? anyway, LAN launches an Adminium Missile at Porphiria. LAN discovers spies on The Hive, requests that Paet will withdraw these spies, in exchange for info.
Just a reminder guys, the war with Porphiria is only a tech war, no living lifeforms can be destroyed ;3 Now back to the game: Ship Bays are much bigger now and hold one and a half of what it used to be. New tech, 15 posts.