Actually you don't even really have to bribe people. If you just ask people to vote for you they're more likely to do so (It helps if you ask before anyone else does )
Yes, but she already did. Anyway, I'm fine with whatever the result may be, after Tom's argument. @SmooshedPotato: I guess you don't know what I'm talking about.
I liked how Smooshed played against me last round, and I forgot he actually won then (as I've understood he did by one of your arguments).
Winner: CarFryer (11 votes)The First Loser: Smooshed_Potato (2 votes)3rd Place: Jay2a4th Place: 6075th Place: jacob50896th Place: Foxy_Kitty7th Place: SunnyStorm78th Place: jewel_king9th Place: SkeleTin00710th Place: MajorHaze11th Place: Carbonyx12th Place: belac55513th Place: FadedMartian14th Place: TomvanWijnen15th Place: Sydney436316th place: Sazukemono (rip) Thank for playing everyone, I hope you all had fun! <3 Next round (to my knowledge) is going to be hosted by 607, so keep an eye out for that. Also, thanks for sending in feedback, it will be used to improve the game in the future. Once again, thanks for playing! ~Rhy out