[Forum Game] New Nations 2

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by synth_apparition, Feb 11, 2015.

  1. Awh commonnnnnn

    Sebia offer their military aid against WASWAS.
  2. Aid accepted.
    Secret military weapons project is underway in ALZA (9 posts)
  3. The nearby countries of Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan have been occupied by ALZA and military troops have been deployed to these areas.
  4. We ask ALZA withdraws.
  5. Serbia would like to form a trade and peace agreement with the USSR.
  6. We accept.
  7. ALZA requests to build and embassy in the USSR. Also half of the troops return but the occupation ensues. The land is now ALZA. the two countries ALZA occupied don't border the USSR.
  8. We accept.

    We offer ALZA an alliance.
  9. Is the USSR currently in alliance with any nations?
  10. I believe the USSR is in alliance with some other countries. Such as Sebia.
  11. Oh
    Oh sorry. On the map it doesnt show them being part of an alliance
  12. I explained what the map was :p The alliance map shows the alliance groups. So currently the Pacific Alliance and the European Commonwealth. Countries can form alliances with whoever they please and won't be part of any alliance group. You can also create your own alliance groups which will be added to the map (upon request).
  13. Gotcha. Sorry:)
  14. Alliance accepted.
  15. It's alright! :p I'll try and update the global map but it'll take sometime to get non-conflicting colours and figure out what land I own...
    607 likes this.
  16. The alliance map has been updated! Gonna start work on the global map.
  17. Awesome thanks so much!
  18. Map page update!

    Finally got the Global Map updated: http://nfell2009.uk/nn2/maps#global_map (SoulPunisher is just too slow) and updated the Alliance Group Map: http://nfell2009.uk/nn2/maps#alliance_map (moved the key so it wasn't covering some land). I also gave a little sub-title to both maps which should help clarify the meaning between both of them.

    As always; if you notice a mistake, say I coloured the wrong country in, haven't coloured your countries in or put the wrong country colour, then please just quote me, reply on this thread, write on my wall or PM me with a link to where you take that land. If I am not given some post saying when/what you took, I will not add the country to either map.
    607 and Dr_Hacksaw like this.