[Forum Game] King of the Hill

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Unoski, May 24, 2015.

  1. I assassinate you, assassin creed style. I claim king and demote everybody else.
  2. You have Karma and Chin kills you with his rainbow chin. I am now king, m8
  3. As far as I know, ShyGuy is a Mongolian and is easily able to overcome walls. He must've helped Rainbow.
  4. I take out Clarent and Durendal, swords of Fire and Ground, and set the hill on fire. Then I use the ground to knock whoever was on before me (I can't tell...) and now I am the king. I'm too baws to need any walls ;)
  5. I use an Obake Karuta (monster shapeshift card) from ancient Japanese ruins to summon a nine-tailed Kistune (Fox) to terrorize you during your reign. You run away and I build up Kyroyukina Kabe (powerful walls) to protect myself. I am king once again ;).
  6. I fly over the walls with my airship and then proceed to drop some bombs on the place. My crew then disposes of everybody else and the new king is here! Muwhahaha
  7. What's up with you and being so, so, selfish to not share kingliness. I build an A3-87 Toploader cannon WITH a splitter and blow right through your so called "unbreakable" walls. I shoot again and you go flying and crashing through the wall. I rebuild even more walls with regens and I am king once again.
  8. I will stand around the walls with my men ready to kill anybody who steps out. Thankfully you can't see us because where invisible.
  9. An earth quake happens and shatters the walls, collapsing them on the men. The stone slab army, navy, and air force swoop in a neutralize all threats. I now stand ready for incoming attacks.
  10. I get my men to invent a terrible machine that kills everything in it's sight and use it on the stone slab army!
    Are they ready for this?
  11. i cried and mah flood of tears flushed the last king off the hill
    i am now queen
    and this is my queendom

    Edit: the hill has become 1mm shorter due to erosion
  12. My eyes radiate fear throughout your queendom, making your people kill themselves.
    I am now king. :)

  13. Shoves Ender Off of the hill and calls Thor to come and place his hammer on my foot.
    I am now the king of the hill.