[FORUM GAME] Guess the Word

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by 607, Mar 19, 2017.


Do you mind the term and theme 'Hangman'?

Yes. 23 vote(s) 22.1%
No. 81 vote(s) 77.9%
  1. Nope. :p
    Anyone else want to take a stab?
  2. Um... 'CRAMP'? :p
  3. TomvanWijnen and 607 like this.
  4. I doubt we've narrowed the letters enough for a guess but .. how about

    607, SkeleTin007 and wafflecoffee like this.
  5. It beith time for a new word

      _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _   
    607 likes this.
  6. Ancient for the A

     A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A _ _ _ 
    AncientTower likes this.
  7. Is there a C?
    Raaynn likes this.
  8. Is there an E?
    Raaynn likes this.
  9. Is there a l?
    Raaynn likes this.
  10. Quite right, I was just about to start a new round. :p (when I saw the alert, not when you posted it)

    Raaynn likes this.
  11. YES, a C there be as well as E times three.

    but sorry, no one... er L either :D

      A _ E _ _ _ E _ A _ C E   
  12. Let's go with an "N"! :)
  13. I'll go for the "M" instead.
  14. Gotta say the N is a no, but there is an M to show

      A _ E _ _ M E _ A _ C E   
    607 likes this.
  15. Arrr.. there is no R... no Y either and idk why

     A _ E _ _ M E _ A _ C E 
    HazardousCode likes this.
  16. Huh, I can't figure out the last 4 letters!
    Raaynn likes this.