[FORUM GAME] Guess the Word

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by 607, Mar 19, 2017.


Do you mind the term and theme 'Hangman'?

Yes. 23 vote(s) 22.5%
No. 79 vote(s) 77.5%
  1. The T payed off.

    C O - - - - - - - I - T I -

    Guessed Letter: T R O N I C
    607 likes this.
  2. Well let us guess an 'S'
    AncientTower and 607 like this.
  3. Ima guess an 'A'
    AncientTower likes this.
  4. Another double hitter.


    C O - - - - - A - I S T I S

    Guessed Letter: C O I N S T A R

    wafflecoffee and TomvanWijnen like this.
  5. 🤔
  6. I'm sorry to bring it up here, but this looks a bit like "coronacrisis"... :p I know it can't be it, but I still thought it was funny. :p
    607 and AncientTower like this.
  7. Are you sure the letters are placed correctly or that the word is in the English dictionary?

    I scanned through every possibility with that combination and there aren't any unless the ending is changed. The big finding is the largest word ending is "ISTIS" is 13 letters long, not 14.

    AncientTower likes this.
  8. No mistakes and I don't know if it's in the English dictionary, good luck guessing.
  9. I'm not sure if Bugsy should be allowed to guess in this round still, considering he consulted a dictionary.
  10. Boooooo no dictionaries!!!!
    AncientTower and 607 like this.
  11. The L is in the word.

    C O - - L - - A - I S T I S

    Guessed Letter: C I L A N T R O S

    Your game your rules. Though the Original Post doesn't mention the use of a dictionary or at least the admittance of having used a dictionary is grounds for a loss of a turn during the current hosts guess the word.

    However one could state that the game is called Guess The Word and not Look Up The Word.
    Impulsive_Egg, HazardousCode and 607 like this.
  12. ~If you like Pina coladas~
    *~Or getting caught in the rain~*
    wafflecoffee likes this.
  13. If you like pina colaistis...
    sounds like a disease of some sort :p
    607, jewael_king and Impulsive_Egg like this.
  14. Guesses will be renewed @ 12 pm EMC time 5/29/2020
    Impulsive_Egg likes this.
  15. Is there an M?
  16. I only mention such because I was under the impression it had to be of an English dictionary but I was obviously mistaken. Thanks for the nice response AncientTower. In accordance with 607, I will join in again next round.
    AncientTower, 607 and TomvanWijnen like this.
  17. I've got to say I do prefer somewhat common words myself. :p But we'll see what Tower has cooked up. ;)
    AncientTower likes this.
  18. C O M - L - - A - I S T I S

    Guessed Letter: R O M A N S I L T

    There is an M
  19. How about a "U"? :)
    AncientTower likes this.