Uuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhh Whoopsiedosies I missed this alert, somehow missed it in the recent threads, and apparently hadn't yet bothered to (properly) check my watched threads list.... Quotes however, I always check. Thanks Tower for helping me out here. N for Nope. I for I don't think so. T for Tevergeefs.... oh wait, that's Dutch. I'm not that great at direct translations so google translate to the rescue: "in vain". No T there either though... perhaps I already drank it. Code: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ D Letters guessed: D*, N, I, T.
Guessed will be renewed automatically 14 hours from this post, so if you haven't guessed yet, use your chance now!
Oh no, you've got the right one! Let that not be the case here, though. Code: O _ _ _ _ O A _ D Letters guessed: D*, N, I, T, A*, O*, L.
Pretty sure the word was Overboard and the game is over.. Notice the * after the correct letter guesses and the same next to the guessed word.