[FORUM GAME] GalliaRPG - Revived

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by HanaY, Jun 15, 2014.

  1. You hear a noise behind you.
    You hear a cracking noise behind you.
  2. Let them talk to me then xD
  3. A girl around 20 talks to you. "Hey. I'm Emily. Nice to meet you."
  4. I whip around, bearing my teeth at the noise
  5. "Hi, thank you." :3 I think I forgot how old Sinne is, by the way >.< Not that it matters much.
  6. You see this guy \/
    "So, what do you do?"
  7. I turn back into human form and stroll up to the man, careful not to startle him. I grin at him "Hi"
  8. I whip around, immediately gasping at the pain from my arm. "Heya."
  9. "Uh, I'm sitting here. I don't really know what I need to do now, I don't really have anyone at the moment..." :(
  10. I smile at him "Wow, what happened to you?" I gesture towards the blood pooling on the floor "A bandage would be helpful. Just a suggestion. Not my problem if you bleed to death" I shrug "Shirt material is the next best thing"
  11. "Oh, well, I can help if you want!"
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  12. "Thanks for your seriousness... Anyway, I can take off my shirt, but I cant rip it... you know... my arm?" I take off my shirt, and it catches in the gash on my arm.
    AliceF3 likes this.
  13. I scowl at him "Come here" I march up to him and pull his shirt off, not paying much attention to the injury, or to the fact that I didn't know him. I whip out my dagger to cut the shirt, ignoring his concerned looks
    "I expect you to thank me by name after helping you like this" I finish cutting the shirt into neat quarters "I'm not always this kind. I'm Moni, that's all you need to know for now"
    In my opinion, I have always regarded Monica as a fowl name, so Moni will be the name of choice. I look at the boy expectantly handing him the shirt

    (I roleplay long and short, depending on my mood, sorry? xD)
    607 and herocrafter2912 like this.
  14. (It's fine.) I grunt when she cuts my shirt. "Well thanks, Moni," I say as I open my wound wider, to let the blood flow and prevent infection. It closes momentarily. (I'm a Necromancing Dwarf...) I stand up and walk away. "And watch the attitude, mistress. You don't want a dwarf, much less a necromancing one angry at you." (Heh heh heh)
    607 and AliceF3 like this.
  15. (She has a bad temper xD)
    I glare at the dwarf, showing off my perfected death stare "Same for you dwarf face" I snap "You could at least tell me your name, unless you like 'dwarf face'" I think about telling him I'm an Anima, but I decide it can wait until I have to put my claws to work
    607 likes this.
  16. ^.^ "Help with what?"
  17. "My name is... Alsephet." I hesitate, but do end up saying my name. "So... I guess it's personal, but... which side are you on?" (Dark or light)
  18. "Alseph- Gah, your name is complicated" I throw my arms up in the air, defeated "I'm calling you Ace. Either Ace or dwarf face, it's your choice really" I give him little to no time to reply, making it my choice "Ok, Ace it is!" I grin at him
    At the mention of the sides, I feel my dagger tingle at my side "I guess you could say I'm neutral" I fail to mention the murders that seem to follow me by pure chance "What about you?"
  19. (Al-se-fet :p) "Alright, call me Ace, Neutral. I'm from... the Darkside. You might want to keep away from me."
  20. "Hey, same for you" I shrug, glancing at the dense forest "But maybe, before we both get to this 'staying away' business. We could stay together and find a way out of this forest?" I glare at Ace "Not that I enjoy spending company with you. But if that injury of yours does get infected, if I'm with you then you can die happy knowing that your body will be disposed of" I threw him a genuinely happy smile