[FORUM GAME] GalliaRPG - Revived

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by HanaY, Jun 15, 2014.

  1. "What? The food?"
  2. Y u no get me? :/
  3. The old pocket watch is just junk so I throw it away and the mysterious trinket seems to do nothing so I just leave it in a drawer and forget about it. After a night of sleep, I walk out of the inn and go explore the town.
  4. You finally arrive at a cliff.
    "No, your time here."
    You accidentally fall into the tree!

    Also, On another note,

    This was the 1000th post! *throws party streamers*
    herocrafter2912 likes this.
  5. I half skid half fall to a halt near the edge. I turn around to see if the man followed me
  6. He's crawling to follow.
  7. "Oh, okay, well, I haven't been here for such a long time yet, I got robbed and someone told me to go here."
  8. I investigate the crater.
  9. (WHY?!)
    I growl and take the quickest and easiest way out. Grinning at the man, I leap off of the cliff
  10. "Well, that sucks. I hope you like it here."
    He gets up to leave.
    You find a wolf. \/ Read This (HINT: THIS IS DA WOLF)
    You groan and look up. You see a dragon staring at you.
  11. "Why can't the world just leave me alone today?!" I decide my chances with the huge dragon aren't looking good, so I run to hide under a tree
    herocrafter2912 and 607 like this.
  12. "Where are you going?"
    AliceF3 likes this.
  13. *waiting for porphyrian*
    "Going to my room..."
  14. (I fall in? Like a holographic tree? Or is it a figment of my imagination...? Did I just fall into a hole in the tree?)
    607 likes this.
  15. (It caved in, sorry, that didn't make any sense :/)
    herocrafter2912 and 607 like this.
  16. Prince you forgot about me :p

    The old pocket watch is just junk so I throw it away and the mysterious trinket seems to do nothing so I just leave it in a drawer and forget about it. After a night of sleep, I walk out of the inn and go explore the town.
  17. (*slaps self*)
    You can go along the left path, the right path, or the middle path.
  18. "Okay, have fun in your room then." There are other people sitting here, right?
  19. (yeah)
  20. Shaking wood off of me, I stand up. My arm is bleeding again.