[FORUM GAME] GalliaRPG - Revived

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by HanaY, Jun 15, 2014.

  1. (I think I'm in wolf form?)
    First this thing makes me almost faint, then it teases me. Why can't I get the easy demons? Ones that I can quite easily kill would be lovely. I regain my composure and try to get up "I don't want to die" I explain "but I don't want your help" I spit at the smoke "And I don't really see how making me faint can prevent me from dying" I glare towards the smoke, I don't know what it is yet, but it's obviously stronger then I am
  2. Everything what is in the story is in white, things directed to you or other people in purple. This was in white, so directed to the man in the story.
  3. IC (in character) and OOC (out of character) kinda set up you have here?
    I generally put my OOC in brackets, when it's needed
    ((Like this
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  4. It would simply be to transport you. Consider the fainting as a side effect.
    (alright, thanks)
    The question seems to leave him confused for a while.
  5. "Oh well, okay..."
    I search for the sphere and my money and lay it on the ground. "Gently dropping".
  6. "Always a side effect isn't there? And I've been 'transported' enough times in the past few days, so I'd rather you not" I give the smoke a questioning look "However. I'm willing to take a small chance, and trust you. I'd see this as a good thing, and the one and only favour you'll ever get from me"
  7. He picks it up quickly and runs away.
    You wake up in a dark room.

    "Awake yet?"
  8. "Well, okay, that was... interesting... I thought he would've ran away without my stuff, but alas..
    I have a feeling this won't be the last time I see that sphere though..."
    I curiously walk further into the corridor.
  9. You arrive near some houses.
  10. I half sit up and hold my head, groaning "Ugh... I don't know... You tell me"
  11. "Come."

    I lead her into the next room. There is a door.
  12. I stare at the door before staring at what used to be simple, pure smoke "Hey, wait" it turns slightly "What- Who are you?"
  13. "I am chaos. That is all you need to know for now."
  14. I inspect the houses from the outside.
  15. You see someone eating cereal, someone playing a board game with a child, and someone sitting on the toilet.
  16. Okay, thank you, but do they have doors or anything like that? :P I mean, ways to get in?
  17. I will now take over porphos till he responds(is that OK?)
    Porphos: hi!
  18. But then you're roleplaying with yourself :confused:
  19. I throw him my best angry glare, but he seems uninterested in my emotions. I reach up to ruffle my hair, but I realise I'm still in wolf form... I decide to leave it for now, it's too dangerous at the moment
    "Chaos? Lovely, what I peaceful name" I say, overly sarcasicly. I don't really give him a chance to reply before asking "Anyway, sir, how is this protecting me in any way?"
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  20. Oh yeah xD there are doors to enter all the houses, but they're locked. There are also windows, but that would *probably* make noise.

    this xD
    Well, unless you wanted to be slowly killed by soulless beings, I'd say this is helpful.