[FORUM GAME] GalliaRPG - Revived

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by HanaY, Jun 15, 2014.

  1. I sit up and rub my head "A-Ah c-crap..." I reach and pick up on of the feather "Why are these...?" I glare at the people in the room, trying to figure out where I am now... I get up and try to walk towards somebody
  2. (it's not a room xD it's outside)
    When you walk towards them, nothing happens. :p
  3. (OH, RIGHT)
    "Hey, you..." I hold the feather close to my chest "Where am I?" I touch him/her on the shoulder
  4. They turn around. You notice their eyes are glowing.

  5. ( NO? ; - ; )
    "Oh, looky, I can do that too" I quickly turn into a wolf and step back slightly
    They scream and run at you. Others notice and start coming as well.
  7. (oh. OH)
    "What's your problem?!"I growl, biting into one of their legs
  8. (sudden moment of OHHH)
    more begin to lunge at you.
  9. Princebee, could we please work out something different? Because this with john isn't working and I would still like to continue Sinne's story in some way.
  10. (wut) (im not parker)
  11. Oh wooow I'm terrible! I was thinking about Parker while typing that as you noticed xD I'm sorry :rolleyes:
    AliceF3 likes this.
  12. *insert various slowclap files*
    (sorry could you quote me your last post or something so I can figure out what tasks to give you)
  13. I quickly grab a gun off the weapon shop's rack, load it, and shoot the guard.:mad:
  14. The bullet hits him in his left hand. He pulls his gun and shoots you. It hits your face. You feel pain going through your body, then blackness. (BY THE WAY, IM ROLLING INTERNET D20s NOW. PORPHERIAN ROLLED A 4, GUARD ROLLED A 20.)
    (you're also not dead, just knocked out. Hint Hint porphos, save him or he will die)
  15. Yes!!!!!! Save Me!
  16. "IS THERE ANY NEED FOR THIS?!" I shout at them all. I kick the closest one away and sprint to escape from the crowd
  17. Well, I'm in the hospital, and rejected a lollipop.
  18. I save him.:rolleyes:
  19. You find yourself at a sort of strange building, creating a pillar of purple smoke/light.
    (oh, right)
    Once you walk outside, a man approaches you. "Hey, come over here."

    You bring him to the hospital.
    You wake up in a hospital bed.
    The nurse comes in. She yells behind her. "HE'S AWAKE"
    You hear the nurse yell.
  20. I sigh "Ugh, everything here is so....Gah" I walk towards it and look for a way in