[FORUM GAME] GalliaRPG - Revived

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by HanaY, Jun 15, 2014.

  1. You find a small hole. You can't seem to fit in it.
  2. I come over there.
  3. He leads you into an alleyway. (Do you follow?)
  4. I come in.
  5. *waiting for porpherian*
  6. Yes, I do.
  7. He pulls out a knife.
    "Drop everything you have."
  8. I look around and turn into a wolf. I peer into the hole and put my paw into the hole
  9. You feel a crack along the wall. A large enough impact might do something...
  10. I turn around and kick the wall with my back legs
  11. I say hi to porphos.
  12. The wall breaks. There is an opening which you can walk through.
    *waiting for porphos*
  13. Staying in wolf form for easy movement, I hop through. I cautiously look around "Hello?"
  14. You suddenly feel a chill going through your spine and you begin to feel faint...
  15. I spread my paws out to steady myself more "..Who's..there?"
  16. You continue to get more and more faint. You feel like you are about to pass out...
  17. I grunt and slip "...S-S-STOP IT."
  18. You feel less faint. You see smoke fly in front of you and begin to turn into a human-like figure.
    "Fine, if you want to die, I'll just leave you here."
  19. I didn't get alerts from this anymore, and I didn't check my unread watched threads in a while, sorry.
    Um, why? :3
  20. (well, alerts are amazingly non-existant...)
    (is that what you say to him, or are you asking me? :3)