I had a different picture for 17952 but the colors didn't copy correctly with the link I found so I deleted that one. SR-71s have to be the most awesome jets ever designed. 🙂
That's interesting. I guess it was an image with transparency? I'm going away for a weekend, see you later!
I'm back, I had a very memorable time! Either he is sitting too close to his mic, or the mic is using is terrible. Or he has a very strange voice, I guess.
The zip code races thing came up, and I decided to look for a graphic that we've not often had before.
Finally we're up to some decent speed again. My hope of reaching page 1000 is returning... Interesting. They're selling it, for $85. On the webpage it says "Click Here To Sell Your Aircraft!" which seems reasonable when considering the target audience, but still sounds really peculiar to me.