Finish Each Other's Sentences (forum game)

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by BrickStrike, Dec 23, 2013.

  1. So... game over? :p
  2. It just needs to be picked up, do you wanna start it up?
    607 likes this.
  3. Sure, thanks.

    My favourite emoticon
  4. is :thinking:. It is
  5. Chin like to
  6. Laugh as people get killed by mobs in the mob arena
  7. because she likes the sight of blood and organs. Also, she
  8. loves Withers, Dragons, Elder Guardians, and Evokers because they are boss mobs. Eviltoade quit MobArena because

    (Also, don't forget, Chin is actually a guy. I struggled with that too for some time though too, because the name and skin made me mistake it for a girl. I understood by the end of 2015 though. I have a rainbow skin too, but I didn't think when I made it, and while I am a guy, guys can like colors too, plus I'm gay.)
    PhoenixAffinity likes this.
  9. he wasn't seen as very "Evil" making him less intimidating. Luckily for him though
    We3_MPO likes this.
  10. he became an Empire Events Organizer, giving him power over all events on EMC. He...
  11. loves making toade themed events but i don't
    We3_MPO likes this.
  12. like toades because they're disgusting. However, We3_MPO does like toades because
  13. he thinks they taste good but eviltoade thinks
  14. that it is cannabalism, even if he is evil. To him, they taste like
    We3_MPO likes this.
  15. pure unbridled evil but we3_mpo thinks
  16. they tastes like pancakes, drizzled with
  17. The blood of his fallen enemies but he hasn't
  18. realized it gives him a disease called
  19. Toade-Eater's Bane. Really, he never ate them because that disease
    PhoenixAffinity likes this.
  20. can make you hallucinate images of
    We3_MPO likes this.