Final "Hoorah".[locked]

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by TaylorGang, May 16, 2012.

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  1. I'm sure it was more of a general gaming stereotype then being directed at EMC staff. I've played more then enough online games where being a supporter for a sever can keep you from getting banned. Most keep that mindset even in places where it doesn't work like that. I've even seen it in mmos where a "premium" player was hacking but didn't get banned as long as they kept supporting the game.
    ISMOOCH and imBobertRobert like this.
  2. Agreed, I have seen a lot of ban appeals trying to take advantage of that idea, even though it doesn't completely apply here. I've seen more than enough ban appeals on someone's wall sayig "plox unbna me i will gte diamond sooon"
    oidking and Equinox_Boss like this.
  3. funny how Jlopez hasnt replied at all.
    Chinajet08 likes this.
  4. Lopez can I have your supportership? If not keep sponsoring emc sounds selfish but hey need money
    imBobertRobert and Equinox_Boss like this.
  5. And your lot and items
  6. Oid, no.
    imBobertRobert and SecretAznEks like this.
  7. oh oops :D
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  8. I learned to hate mankind a long time ago. It's very sad. :( About 20% of people aren't hate-worthy IMO.

    Also, from redwing2000's sig: 5% of the world is smart. 95% of the world are idiots. 10% of the idiots we cannot help.
    Equinox_Boss and battmeghs like this.
  9. No, that's wrong. 5% of the world is smart. 95% are idiots. The other 10% are - wait a minute...
  10. I did not say the 10% are an additional group :p
    Might as well put all the pi i know as a sig :p
    SecretAznEks and Equinox_Boss like this.
  11. I know, that's just the version that emphasizes how idiotic we are as a society. :p
  12. I guess I'll just take it all back then. I'm not a supporter, so I wouldn't know. Sorry.
  13. That is quite funny.....
  14. He problely banned
    SecretAznEks and IcecreamCow like this.
  15. ...Is he believed to be the Jumble Eternity griefer? In his message, he refers to having destroyed multiple creations...
  16. Why is this thread still alive? A moderator please close it down, I think the discussion about jlopez has faded away.
    Chinajet08 likes this.
  17. Yes, he was JT. Unless everyone else is blatantly wrong...
  18. I only just found out about this.. Im not normally reading every message in the forums..
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  19. I totally agree.
  20. Yes he was the JT griefer.

    And why close a griefer bashing thread? :) Burn him at the stakes!
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