[FEEDBACK] Does anyone use the kill:baby/adult flag? (archived)

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by chickeneer, Sep 2, 2020.

  1. I am not satisfied with how the entity subflag error "looks".

    Would anyone miss the adult/baby subflags if I just had those removed?

    Honestly, if even just a couple people use it - I will keep them in. But thinking on it. I don't like the overly specific subflags displaying in the error message. If I punch a donkey - I would prefer it just say the "kill flag". But the breakdown is useful to know what subflags are available.

    Does anyone else have any thoughts on the matter? I ask because the baby/adult thing adds unnecessary complexity in the code if no one is using it...
    Technically the baby/adult subflag also is on animaldamage, breed, and eggify.

    607 and wafflecoffee like this.
  2. I think ive seen people use it for public horse breeding area's so that people may egg the baby ones they breed but not take the adult breeder ones, can't think of any other times ive seen it used
    607, Egeau and chickeneer like this.
  3. Maybe the precision of the error message could be toggleable per person? Default has the top parent flag. And can toggle it so you can see the more specific subflags which could be used instead.

    Just brainstorming a possible improvement. Not a good use of my time right now. Just is on my mind.
    607 likes this.
  4. This flag doesent apply to that. Only the owner can egg their horse.
  5. I think Move and Teleport flag also uses this format,

    Perhaps it could be like, (kill:donkey:adult flag) or (kill:adult:donkey flag) or even (kill donkey[adult] flag)

    just throwing out ideas :p
    wafflecoffee and Kryarias like this.
  6. Kill, not sure. But eggify, there are public animal farms where you can breed the adults and eggify the babies. For mobs such as cows, chickens, sheep etc.
    607 and Kryarias like this.
  7. I have been thinking about making a (small) chicken farm. I think this flag (or one similar) would help with preventing the little chickens from being killed (as they occasionally do in my current chicken farm).
    607 and Egeau like this.
  8. This could probably be expanded even further to be "simple" vs "complex" error messages. Simple might say "kill flag" and complex might say "kill:donkey & kill:adult" (or whatever else happens as a result as this thread).
    607 likes this.
  9. I agree. The complexity is when a residence does actually use the subflag to block something. It is programmatically complex to show the correct one.
    Totally possible, but it will take time to mess with it to get it right :(
    607 likes this.
  10. First, I have actually wondered about that message, when I have gotten it.:cool:

    About my uses:
    I have a chicken machine that kills the adults and not the baby. This is by design of the machine. I do not use the setting on the res to determine which animals are harmed. But I have noticed for the second time that I have had to go into /res cset and make sure the animal damage setting was set to green(true).

    I also have/use public farms with the option to egg the baby animal and not the adult for everyone who visits.

    It does not sound like either of these 2 scenarios are impacted by the changes that you suggest. Since any player who owns the res is not bound to those flags, I do not see how this could adversely effect the use of our town res.

    you have my blessing to change or remove the flags, if it should make your job easier.
    HazardousUWU and 607 like this.