[FARM] Shulker Reaktor: Infinite Shells For Life!

Discussion in 'Business Listings' started by DrasLeona247, Oct 23, 2021.

  1. What's this? We're getting close to 20 keys sold!?

    Well well well, such a momentous occasion calls for celebration! As soon as one more pass is sold, I will pick a random farm user (via random number generator) and bestow upon them 1 SC of shulker shells along with one of the DrasCorp heads from earlier!

    ....and what? You want a Progryck face reveal? Well, I'll meet you in the middle and present to you "Progryck breakfast healthy cereal with nuts and yoghurt" reveal

    Is this daily nutritious breakfast what makes him such a genius? Who knows!?

  2. I’m hungry now for honey nut clusters.
    Silken_thread likes this.
  3. Bump!

    Farm efficiency seems to be holding. A few minor issues with breakages have come up since the last update, but have been resolved by Progryck.

    Remember, who needs to buy shells when you could have an infinite supply at your fingertips? ;)
  4. And a special thank you to Grimm_Pantalones for his diligent work in constructing a gigantic railroad for for the farm, with accompanying gorgeous stations :)

  5. I'm addicted to the farm! Went back three times, it was so busy. But I enjoy farm. πŸ˜‹
  6. BUMP

  7. I didn't do the calculations pre-/post- implementing, but most of the surrounding end islands have been covered in water to drive endermen spawning to almost zero.
    Using the farm recently this does appear to have helped a bit with rates, as it will work to ensure that when a new shulker is attempted to spawn, there isn't any possible conflict with the EMC mob cap; as the only mobs are the shulkers. So in theory, even if many shulker spawn attempts occur at once, it shouldn't risk hitting the mob cap.

    With EMC mechanics this is always a gray area though. So really its just a mitigation strategy to provide -1 way the farm could break in the future.
  8. Just to let you know the Shulker farm isn't producing shells. I hit the reset and that didn't help.
    DrasLeona247 likes this.

  9. Oh no! The farm, it’s broken!!!
  10. Will get on that! In meantime, I'll send some shells your way :)
  11. Thank you but thanks to your farm I have an incredible amount of shulker shells already so no need to send me any.

    I am at the farm now and it is working again. How long after pressing reset do I have to give the farm to fix itself? Maybe I didn't give it enough time.
  12. My experience is 10 mins
    EfficiencyV likes this.
  13. This is a heads up to anyone venturing out to the farm. There is a big problem with the approach to the End portal building in the Nether. The entire area has been blown up. It was very difficult to find the entrance into the building. I didn't place any blocks since it isn't my build but I was able to ender pearl through a hole in the building to get to the portal.
    DrasLeona247 likes this.
  14. i found my way in no problem are you able to show me where ur having ur problem?
  15. Aye, Hopefully I can get out there tomorrow! I'm hoping I never lose this book because I am useless with directions. I really hope someone can help guide me there because I am terrible
    DrasLeona247 likes this.
  16. It's when I first enter the Nether outpost then head East over the slight hill towards the stone building. Once over the hill you will see most of the ground on fire and heavily damaged.
  17. If I'm on tomorrow when you are I'll help. It's very easy once you get through the Nether.
  18. Hey there! Yeah, the sad thing is that the big hole in front of the doorway can't be fixed because it's a protected spawn area :/

    And whoever decided to make the smp7 End access portal put the entrance right in front of it...lol

    Thank you for buying a key :)

    Make sure to accept the friend request from DrasCorp, and if I'm on, I'll guide you, but otherwise ask in chat, as many others have keys
    AncientTower likes this.
  19. Thankyou so much :)