{Fantasy RPG Turn Based} Rings of Caskar

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by NetherSpecter, Apr 4, 2016.

  1. I watch with horror as we travel, although I feel a slight feeling of awe also. How big was this group, to be able to destroy much? I start to rethink my decisions, wondering whether I could actually become a part of this. My magic isn't good, in my opinion, although I can still turn many into a human torch in seconds. I could train here, and then escape. It might put me on the bad side of these powerful witches, but it might be fun. The wagon jumped on a rock, knocking me out of my thoughts. But it didn't bother me, a large grin plain on my face.
  2. "What are you smiling at?" The Marker queried, "We won't be there for a while, so get comfortable."
    NubtherSpecter likes this.
  3. I think you forgot me again :p

  4. After enjoying myself for a little while; feeling out of harms way, and comforted by a good ale... I go and check the Help Board once again. "Hmmph, seems easy enough", I say to myself. I grab the FIND MY WEDDING RING posting and
    check out the details...
  5. I wiped the smile off of my face and shot my angriest glare at the man, angry for ruining both my dreaming and my happiness. I shuffled on my seat and rubbed my hands together to generate a bit of warmth. I considered lighting a fire between my fingers, but I decided that my new "friends" wouldn't be so happy about that....
  6. Would you mind adding me in whenever you have the chance?