the logs are already in this thread, it was said twice by the same person because he is a weirdo and does that and then you apologised and immediately left. rule 7 is rule seven because this situation comes up often (not so much anymore but still often enough) the rule is there to both protect your feelings about the matter as well as anyone elses. the point is if you are going to bring that sort of thing up, expect differing reactions from every person. otherwise simply keep it to yourself and you will not have to make threads like this. used to there were huge flame wars about that very same topic because some people thought they needed say that or things like that to people who didnt appreciate it in order to convert them. people were banned and the rule was put into effect. im not bashing you or discouraging you from saying whatever alls im saying is if you are going to speak about religion expect people to some degree to feel uncomfortable.
I apologized tho and it was repleted. I am also sorry as everything I am going thru right now, that was like the last straw for me...and I am truly sorry for breaking any rules. I have never done anything wrong before rules are important. (I have 5 children) lol Oh so do I have to change my signature thing? Hope you have a great day!! Sorry I am a newer member and don't want to break anymore rules.
No, it is fine. The one thing that was bothering me and I was going to get more into that rule but you left. Your totally fine of what you beleive, if you saw my other posts, I was mostly flustered of the book you gave me. I am more over it now so have yourself a good day
Omgosh Sorry I am legally blind and a little slow at the moment. I just posted that oh no I sent my poem
Your name is religious, your signature is religious, your status is religious and your greetings are religious... I'm fairly sure this is bait to incite some backlash - you can't do that without expecting it, especially on something like religion. I personally don't like seeing anything to do with it here as it just brings trouble a long with it and I don't like having it waved in my face - just a personal preference since I'm not a religious person at all and it's the kind of stuff you don't mention your allegiance to when you meet someone.
I think the intent of wishing someone well, and an undisguised attempt at proselytizing are worlds apart.
but see thats not how it works, how you intend something is not how people are always going to take it. thats rooted in the way we communicate.
SoulPunisher easy there guy. You don't need to keep working this subject into the ground. Your name is SoulPunisher. Does that have some kind of reference to an afterlife type of existence? As to reference a "soul" would to believe in something other than the physical realm. If I am not mistaken this all started with someone trying to say hello and being friendly and now we are at the point of tearing them apart for everything they are and everything they believe. How long till the pitchforks and torches come out. Yes we all have different beliefs and no one should force their belief on anyone else. But I think we need to let this one because it was resolved as a greeting not a recruitment. Some misunderstandings and now we can get back to our corners and our minecraft. Think of how our words sound when we say them, because they can sure sting.
Good morning all !!! We can go back and forth about one thing or another. But in no ways is God Bless a reason to quote rule 7. If you are offended by the word God then please pretend to see something else. They didn't specify what god. you can see that as your god Batman. Or your god FSM. Or you could do the right thing and use /report if you think someone is breaking the rules and let us handle it so you dont have to say OMG 1!!11111 no religious talk in chat. May Peace Favor your Sword, TDMR
Err, okay? Nah, it's referencing a move in Dragon Ball Z because I thought it would be cool to call my account that when I was like, 10 years old. My most recent usernames include CyanideOnToast and EvilStudMuffin, which I'd hardly call religious - the only reason my Minecraft account is called SoulPunisher is because people know me by that name and it'd be weird to change it.
Just my 2 cents: We've all had our say, the issue is resolved, shall we move on? I'd hate to see yet another thread get locked (no matter if it was requested or not) simply because we don't know when to quit
This seems like a peculiar incident though I'm not really a Christian (It's kinda confusing). That greeting seems a bit universal since most religions follow some form of god or at least a god, but I can see why this occurred. Remember folks "Good day!" is the ultimate greeting and farewell.
Unless you live in my part of the world where the normal greeting is ROLL TIDE. or WHO DAT. There is no right or wrong. God bless is the same as Toilet Tissue bless. What ever your higher power is is your version of God. Perfectly cooked hotdogs bless you, TDMR
Over here our greeting is 'you alright mate?', to which the appropriate reply is the same sentence repeated (we do not actually care if you're alright or not and don't want you to answer that. Who do you think we are, nice people?). Sometimes you can say 'yeah are you?', but the 'yeah' is just there so we don't sound rude.