[EVENT] Tree Choppers

Discussion in 'Empire Events' started by IceQueenDawn, Aug 31, 2015.

  1. Just incase anyone was wondering, I left the res open for people to chop. I usually do this until I get home from work.
  2. OH NO! The Pines are Taking Over!
    nltimv and MelleTheHundred like this.
  3. Well. Got to take them down then :)
  4. I want to go to Tree Choppers, but I also want to go mining in the new wastelands. What should I do??

    #thestruggleisreal :(
    Seffychan likes this.
  5. Sick...again. so I will come hopefully
  6. I'll join your club
    Welcome to the club!:D
  7. As usual I will be leaving the Res open all day. Please feel free to use it as a Tree farm.
    nltimv Also helped me plant some crops. Take what you need replant whatever.
    nltimv likes this.
  8. Something weird spawned on top of the Pine Trees.
  9. Awesome I'm coming !! :D
  10. I'll definately come!
  11. I love these kinds of events.
    It relieves stress from a long hard day :)
    607 likes this.
  12. Merry Chopmas!
    Feel free to go and look and take pictures of all the lovely Chopmas Trees!
  13. I put a lot of effort into my tree

    Destroy it with love <3
    Seffychan likes this.
  14. Dont tell me its the doll with a briefcase
  15. Merry Axemas!

    btw Seffy, what resource pack do you use? The one in the OP image...
    Seffychan likes this.
  16. Dramanya took the picture
  17. If you have any pictures of the Chopmas Edition please feel free to post them!
  18. Okay, here they come :D

    This is the tree I made: :)

    Seffychan likes this.
  19. Lmao! I stod afk waiting to take the Seffychan head. I played cards with the family and had to pause the game just to take her head :D.
    Got it though!
  20. Yay i'm on break, i'll be able to make it :)