[EVENT] Miner Mania

Discussion in 'Empire Events' started by IceQueenDawn, Jan 22, 2016.

  1. Thanks for hosting this crystal, got a nice haul tonight not including the dc or so of stone/cobble.
  2. Thank you to everyone who came out tonight and a big thank you to JDhallows for making us a nice easy tp from waste & back and The_Boulder for coming out and hangin around with us. I had a great time. <3
    MoreMoople and derp_duckie like this.
  3. Tonight's Miner Mania is located in a desert oasis!
    MoreMoople likes this.
  4. Fun times at Miner Mania tonight with Saz.

    My Haul:

    Saz's pet:

    Saz befriending her pet:

    Toad's pet even though he didn't come:
  5. we had a very nice bonding moment. it was much more successful than the bonding moment with my other pet (Sazizzle, the creeper)...

    tonight's MM was quite the petting zoo xD (if you're brave enough to get close enough to pet them)
  6. Saturday night Miner Mania is back and have I got a competition for you builders.

    We'll be hanging out on the Horse Plains this time so I thought let's get all horsey and maybe even go Trojan!.

    So there will be a prize for the most interesting Trojan Horse at today's Miner Mania. Go big, go features, go whacky colors, whichever build I find most interesting will be the winner. And by build I mean it doesn't have to be a horse, if you can make stables or any other horse-related build interesting then go for it!

    Of course, the prize will have to be a Horse, in this case, Amareica!

    For non-builders, we may actually be doing some mining but I have seen quite a few horses in the area so cowgirls are welcome too!

    Seeya there
  7. I just so happen to have a giant horse statue in a single player world
    Baradar67, PikminNate and MoreMoople like this.
  8. Bring it
    PikminNate and MoreMoople like this.
  9. Thank you to those that host the event and everyone that join i had a great time.
    Baradar67 likes this.
  10. It's great you had a good time, it was quieter than usual but still a good crowd.

    Thanks to everyone for coming along and to those that competed, we had a couple of very different but awesome stables, our town actually had walls to keep the Greeks out and I think everyone agreed the star of the show was that giant Trojan horse (filled with Greeks).

    Gratz to Rhy :mad:. Your prize will be sent to you shortly.
    ASliceOfRhyBread and MoreMoople like this.
  11. <3
  12. I am ready today :)
  13. Same! Will be a little late. Class is over at 2:50 should be home around 3:15 if I dont argue with my professor over my pc build xD
  14. I wish I could still do Midnight Miners but I work so have fun
  15. cant make it :(
  16. can't wait for another miner mania
  17. I would love to make it but its late for me
  18. Here we go again, Midnight Miner Mania, seeya there night owls.

    (no build comp this week sorry)
    MoreMoople likes this.

  19. Fabulous shot of jossytheninja, crystaldragon13, and me at tonights Miner Mania.