Tonight's Miner Mania will be a spooky midnight edition! It's also Friday the 13th, which is pretty cool. Just a shame MC doesn't boost mob spawns on days like today there won't be a build competition today, just some good solid mining
I'm glad you were able to make it! It was quite a fun night, full of snow golems and many maze-like mine tunnels thanks to everyone who was able to make it tonight, y'all make it awesome every time!
Slvr’s Miner Mania today will be at 8pm EMC time! She’s busy during the day today, but is looking forward to seeing you guys this evening
Sorry if you thought MM was on tonight, I expected my next one to be in 2 weeks time so that's when it will have to be.
When was the last miner mania hosted by carolmoss? I need to look in that area for something i may have lost... - Andy