Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by FDNY21, Nov 3, 2013.


Can you make it? This poll is to get a rough idea of who is coming!

Would not miss it for the world! ;) 13 vote(s) 22.4%
Sure, I will try my best to get there! :) 39 vote(s) 67.2%
Cannot make it, sorry! :( 6 vote(s) 10.3%
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  1. I'll try to get there.
    FDNY21 likes this.
  2. 1 hour and 55 minutes from now I believe
  3. Cant wait 2 events in one day :D
    1 hour 30 mins to go.
    FDNY21 likes this.
  4. Ive been to one, then I have mine, then ICC's! THREE! xD
  5. right after I go back into the wild about 5k blocks from town I see this >:/
    marine4121 and Gadget_AD like this.
  6. Its been here for weeks...wanna come back? xD
  7. If this was at 11 i could of come :p but i have to get of my computer at 11:30 :(
  8. It should not last long, if you can come on for a little bit...:p
  9. Looks like the super shovel has just one more job for me today. :p
    FDNY21 likes this.
  10. i could try to get an extra 10 mins :p
    FDNY21 likes this.
  11. All I am bringing is a EFF IV Diamond shobble :p.
    That's good enough I guess.
    This is gonna be great! Cya soon!:D
    FDNY21 likes this.
  12. I don't know if i can make it, each time i try to join EMC it says Failed: Bad Login
  13. I have this, yes. I have to try to join about twenty times and then it lets me in :)
    marine4121 likes this.
  14. yeah but its like i tried it alot more than 20
  15. Well alot of us managed to get here the same way..just keep trying and it should work :) It worked quicker for me by doing direct connect. 26 minutes!
  16. ok it turns out i now has an extra 10 mins :)
  17. Nope. I am trying really hard but it looks like I can't make it..
  18. Jim spawned a dragon for us xD You can login if you do direct connect consistently :)

  19. SMP 9 is not letting me in D: Every other SMP has worked after a couple of tries. Still trying :mad: Edit- I'm in! :D
  20. 5 minutes! :D
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