[EULA] Mojang Supporter Changes Discussion

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Gibabyte, Jun 5, 2014.

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  1. Someone should pm the word :D
  2. it's in my quote
    go look
  3. Aikar edited it.
  4. *pouty face*
    well it's a word that relates to a part of the anatomy of both males and females
    you rub it with paper sometimes to keep it clean
    and it's not your nostrils
  5. I kind of knew it would come to that once Notch said he would push out continuous updates. After the release of Minecraft he gave development duties on Jeb, who went on to state he wanted to reach atleast 1.9. Everything was good for awhile - until they were obviously beginning to milk Minecraft by adding new, crappy features and not fixing the broken things.

    In the end they ruined Minecraft for me and I rarely play :p
  6. I thought someone said the word was innocent but could be taken the wrong way.
  7. more like it's un-innocent but can be taken the not-wrong way
  8. worse
    also more medical
    starts with an "A"
    keep in mind that it's a medical
  9. That's it? -.-
  10. Thanks for that. I get all of my MC twitter news from reddit and haven't seen that yet (and don't have the patience to maintain yet another social media account :D).
    PandasEatRamen likes this.
  11. Was just thinking... Someone else mentioned that they couldn't (shouldn't might possibly work better here) tell servers that they can't charge have people donate extra for using more server space (IE: residences, vault system, yatta yatta) because it doesn't change the actual core gameplay. What if this could be classified as a cosmetic item? Could it? How would we go about asking Mojang?
  12. On topic:
    Dunno, knowing Grum it sounds like he would argue "You're just buying dirt/grass, that WE made and put in the game!" But Aikar did mention they could be bought with credits.

    All I've taken from what I've read, Donations = Money given to the server for nothing in return. Cosmetic Items like Special hats, colored names, etc. can be bought. Anything else is a no. No paying for TNT, Diamond everything with Enchant 9000, etc. No clue until they finish and we actually hear from them, not the bunch of raging people online.

    Off Topic: Crap on a pogo stick -_-....

    K guys, the word is Anal. It's only perverted if you make it perverted.

    Aikar used it to mean the term anal retentive (also anally retentive). 99% of the world abbreviates the word to anal, Basically it means a person who pays such attention to detail that the obsession becomes an annoyance to others, potentially to the detriment of the anal-retentive person.

    We good now? xD
  13. I thought it was anus....
    PandasEatRamen likes this.
  14. ~And off topic again~
    But you can't use that word in a mature sentence. Even if you tried you'd still giggle, just like people that giggle even at the mention of the planet Uranus. *Sad, no?
  15. I don't giggle.
  16. Looking at human gore changes a person.....
    I'm hoping mojang will comment on the topic soon, how we love games PR departments -_- lol..
    PenguinDJ, 72Volt, wisepsn and 5 others like this.
  18. what's this discussion all about? legal stuff? in fact all bukkit/spigot/whateverelse servers are illegal under swedish laws. they are all modifications of mojang property. but they are tolerated and i don't think mojang will enforce their rights soon.
  19. Oh lord, tirade from fireshadow52 inbound...

    Minecraft: A game played by millions, revered by billions, and a game that has dominated the world.

    Minecraft Servers: A collection of network connections that allows avid players from all over the world to interact with one another.

    Server Donations: Money given to server owners (a singular individual or an organization) to augment the performance and quality of their respective servers. In exchange for players' gracious donations, they are frequently rewarded in one form or another.

    Often, all must be present in order to maintain healthy player-server relations. However, the third can be removed and (relatively) small private servers could still sustain themselves, although quality is sometimes lacking. Mojang seems to suggest that a "removal" (I use this word lightly) of this option is imperative in order to retain originality. Should this be executed, the result would be a hilariously outrageous uproar, the precursors of which can be seen scattered throughout the Internet.

    If I may share my personal opinion: Mojang has reached a critical crossroads of destiny. To an outsider, the decision which Mojang must imminently make seems trivial; follow the path the general Minecraft community is imploring the company to follow. However, Mojang doesn't appear to acknowledge the cries of its trillions of fans. In fact, Mojang is so focused on finances, they feel that monetary transactions between players and server owners betray them. Why should an individual who is not employed in a company receive money to enhance a product which that very company produces?

    I share Mojang's sentiments...to a small extent. This does not mean, however, that I believe there are no merits to donations; I would be tremendously distraught if this plan were to be executed. I do believe, though, that Mojang should receive monetary compensation; after all, it is theirproduct. "They already receive enough monetary compensation! There are physical, tangible souvenirs which the public can purchase, and a portion of that money (even if only a few cents) is sent to Mojang. Why do they need any more?"

    In my personal opinion, Mojang is quite akin with an electrical company; electrical companies provide electricity to millions of people, who pay monthly/annually in order to continue to be supplied with electricity. In this analogy, donations serve as the monthly bills, and the electricity is the Minecraft game. However, the electricity (the game) which the electrical company provides is not being paid for properly; the donations are being sent to the wrong place! If I were the CEO of this electrical company, I would be incredibly irritated. Why the hell am I providing these people with electricity if they aren't providing any monetary compensation? They can survive for a while without my product, so I'm shutting them down. This preventing of donations (back to Minecraft) is similar to the electrical company ceasing to supply customers.

    I have also heard the rumor that "Minecraft will end". I disagree; Minecraft will not "end" because the flow of donations is disrupted. However, the game will be quite different. It seems that players will still be permitted to make donations, but the giving of "perks" will be disallowed.

    Anyway, I believe that is all I can say at the moment; I have written this on an iPad 2, whose keyboard is becoming incredibly laggy right about now...

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