[Est. Outpost] People of Carthaga (PoC)

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by Kaizimir, May 18, 2014.

  1. anyone else having troubles getting into the server
  2. Like logging on?
  3. Hello, I wanted to join this outpost since it seemed active and very friendly. So HI EVERYONE :D
  4. yeah i cant log on
  5. I'll be on in about 45 min so I'll show u everything
  6. What Does the msg say ?
  7. i have a house built there any have been playing for a few days now but when i try to connect to server it tells me they are down for maint.
  8. it says Failed to login: The authentication are currently down for maint.
  9. That means that minecraft is down basicly
  10. ok i got to run kids to practice for football and cheerleading here soon so i guess i'll have to try again this evening. thanks for info
  11. I just logged in perfectly fine
  12. Idk maybe it's just for ur area.
  13. might be but i will keep trying till i can get on this is what happened to a server i made for the kids just up and quit working hope this dont do it again
  14. its working now
  15. -.- We've got griefed again, just when Kai afking for iron farm
  16. Again?!
  17. What happened? Have you already reported it?
    Scorpio528 likes this.
  18. Kai tell someone they can live in my tower. Got other things to do at the moment.
  19. The moderator got the griefer now
    Kaizimir likes this.

    Dear PoC,
    this is because griefing poses a serious problem for our community.Therefore we need to make a decision on how we let people join and how we present Carthaga in the forums.
    Below you will find 5 options for the future of Carthaga. Please vote by liking one of the options. Votes will be counted in 48 hours from now and then we will take action.

    Here are the 5 options: