[Est. Outpost] People of Carthaga (PoC)

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by Kaizimir, May 18, 2014.

  1. About one hour left to vote!
  2. Poll is closed:

    The People of Carthaga voted:
    1. Open: 1 vote
    2. Application: 5 votes + my vote
    3. Invite-only: 5 votes
    4. Closed: 0 votes
    1a. Open, without description: 1 vote

    1 illegal vote via chat (not included)
    Participation: 39%

    I voted for the application system, because I think I won't be able to send off people from this thread, that ask if they can join.

    The final decision is to implement an application system for new members to join.

    Here is an example application form:
    How old are you on EMC:
    Have you ever been kicked/banned? If so what was the reason:
    Do you plan to build/do you have a mega mall:
    Why do you want to join PoC:
    Summarize in one sentence Carthaga's mission:

    Please post below if you have comments on this application form.
  3. Must previous members participate in the application?
  4. No, that is not necessary. If you want you can of course ;)
    Later on I will make a list with all our timezones, because that should be very helpful. So, then I will also ask the members.
  5. Ok so application whats with the mega mall Q
  6. I think it is an important point, because mega malls suck up a lot of time and resources. It is good for us to know, if somebody committed themselves to a project like that. But it won't mean you can't join. Also we can let the people with finished mall let know that Carthaga farms are not meant for stocking their mall.

    I know it is a bit of a weird question, so if PoC disagree with that we can take it off...
  7. Nope I completely under stand
  8. I'm so sorry to whoever's work I've messed up but I got caught in the door in the nether and broke some of the redstone stuff by accident while trying to get out, unfortunately I have no redstone ability so I need someone out here soon to fix it!
  9. Kai, should I make the secret door not-auto close?
    I mean like -press to open and press again to close-.
    Or I should extend it longer timing to close?
  10. I think 25 seconds should be good
  11. Ok, then so 1 stack of item in the timer is = 26 seconds
    I'll put some more like that
  12. Ok that should be good
  13. lol, He said that he was lagging, I think it is not nesscesary to lengthening the timer anyway.
    I actually did shift and can actually walk through the door in time xD
  14. ı suggest sınce ur gettıng so many grıefers you should
    No.1 Take the dırectıons to the cıty off the maın thread.
    No.2 Maybey a small lıttle form to fıll out so say lıke have u been banned? ect ect
  15. Yes, that's what we just decided on...opening post is edited
  16. Here is a little time line of Carthaga's development :)

    End of April 2014: The area is untouched; only the Assembly hall and my house are there

    May 2014: caden672 has moved in and the roads are laid out

    End of May 2014: crafter31211 moved in; the city wall is finished

    End of June 2014: more and more people join; the Inn is build

    August 2014: many active players have helped to build the modern Carthaga
    Scorpio528 and herocrafter2912 like this.
  17. Really cool, thanks for showing!
    Scorpio528 likes this.
  18. Glad you like it :) Was fun to make too.

    Everybody, please look at the map, there are still many things that can use a name. For example the ocean north of the city, the lakes, the villager village, etc. If you can come up with some nice names let us know.
  19. Hehe I missed a page lol

    And good news!!!!! I'm back from my wild break
  20. Srry for the double post but look what I made Kai =D

    It may be a tad messed up lol but il try fix it