[Est. Outpost] People of Carthaga (PoC)

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by Kaizimir, May 18, 2014.

  1. anyone on from CARTHGA if so please meet me in west castle
  2. yes, got'ya.
    also, i will update the list of members soon
    Scorpio528 likes this.
  3. Super Smelter has been finished! Sorry kai but I couldnt get around the end not having to be coming out of the back of the building because of directional problems. I hope this will be ok, if not I will have to rebuild it somewhere else. Otherwise, it is fully functional and smelting at super speeds. Pic is below. :D
    Kaizimir likes this.
  4. Hello - I was just wondering if I am still allowed to join?
    It won't be for a few weeks as I want to finish my mall first
  5. hi all i was in the group but took kids to practice now it says im not in group
  6. my son would also like to join as well would it be ok for him to join and when i try to join again it say i dont have an invite
    Kaizimir likes this.
  7. Umm... So an Enraged Creeper ran into the Store Room, I left it there, as I wasn't prepared, so...

    Edit: It Despawned, all safe, also lit up a few more areas.

    Another Edit: Found Another 2 Enraged Creepers, managed to kill them both.
    Kaizimir and herocrafter2912 like this.
  8. The Carthaga Times - Edition #2 Has Been Released!
    Edition #2 of The Carthaga Times has been released! To get your copy of The Carthaga Times , you can
    pick up a copy from one of the Newsstands, either at Carthaga or at Residence #8097 on SMP4.

    If the any of the Newsstands are Out Of Stock, just tell me, and I will get more copies.
    If you have any feedback, you can PM me, either in-game or on the Website.
    herocrafter2912 and Kaizimir like this.
  9. Excellent! Now we just need a lot of Netherrack to smelt into bricks ;) Don´t worry about the corner that is sticking out. We can cover it up with a piece of wall.

    The group feature is only temporary. Once you log off for a certain time, maybe 5 mins, you do not automatically join the previous group you were in. If that happens, please just ask somebody to reinvite you. For that you can use a private message ´/tell playername your message´
    Of course, your son is welcome to join and the rest of the family, too :)

    So cool. I will check it out this afternoon :) What do you think, shall we open another thread only for the Carthaga Times? That would increase visibility to other players, that don´t check out this thread. Also, have you spoke with Kephras already? And, shall we start putting up stands on the other servers?

    PS: joshyrocks13 started to publish a newspaper as well. Maybe it is good to check it out. Here is his thread...
    Scorpio528 likes this.
  10. What about these creepers? What are they doing in the city and where did they come from?
    Scorpio528 likes this.
  11. The corner that is sticking out is the entrance...
  12. May I join the community of Carthaga?
  13. There's stealer/griefer happens again :(
    Ashblue got stolen most of her valuable stuff
    And also our beacons too, all of them got stolen.
  14. We should lock the beacons... 1k for protection is worth it
  15. Ok, I will let a moderator know.

    Oh, I didn't know that was possible. In that case, yes, we should definitely do that.
    Scorpio528 likes this.
  16. Hey huckleberry24, if we can transfer you over to Carthaga savely next time , of course ;) Just let me know when you are ready...

    Yes, just come by the outpost. It is now a bit trickier to get there, but also not too hard. If you meet problems contact one of the PoC and we will show you around.
    Scorpio528 likes this.
  17. I can buy all 7 beacons on me ( hopefully I can find that many :))
    Scorpio528 likes this.
  18. I found all 7 :D consider it a donation to Carthaga ;)
    Dragonhalk32 and Scorpio528 like this.
  19. Speaking of rails, I have tons of rails just sitting there in my storage area, tell me if you guys can use it. NO payment required, I'd be glad to help out and become a member.
  20. Lol, Lake Erie. I've been. That would be fine, but imo, it should be Town Square, i dunno why, I've just heard that before.