[Est. Outpost] People of Carthaga (PoC)

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by Kaizimir, May 18, 2014.

  1. I'm back!.
    Kai after I came back, I've finished the mini-fully automated brewing machine and also made a semi-animal cooker
    for cows farm

    The mini brewing machine havn't been tested yet
  2. Hey,
    nice to see you back.

    Because I am slowly losing overview, here a list of all automated farms we have:
    Dark room mob grinder
    Iron farm
    Blaze XP-farm
    Slime farm
    Wheat harvester
    Cooked chicken farm
    2x Flower farm
    Tree farm
    Chicken egg farm
    Underworld gold farm
    Overworld gold farm
    Melon farm
    2x Spider grinder
    Zombie grinder
    Skeleton grinder/XP-farm
    Villager farm
    Sugarcane farm
    Cow BBQ farm
    Did I forget a farm? Do you think such a list is useful for the opening post. Shall we try to include the name of the people that build the farms (I know that I don't remember all of them)?

    A few other things:
    After the major update of the opening post last week I restructured it a bit . I think it is now better organized and more comprehensible. Please check it out and give me your feedback -> language specialists...blinkblink Sweets, Scorpio...
    The DC of gold is in auction right now and the bids increased to 35k in the first 1h, yay :cool:. Here is the link.

    Very important:
    Tomorrow, Saturday the 2nd of August we have a meeting with several representatives of other outposts. The meeting takes place at Mrlegitislegit's outpost without a name on smp1 at 10pm (GMT). I herewith cordially invite all members of Carthaga to join the delegation and come with me to this very first EMC inter-outpost summit
    Scorpio528 likes this.
  3. do u think you can show me where the outpost is I'd love to come
  4. I would come but 10is a td late
  5. Sure, I will try to be online in about 2hrs. Have you seen the opening post on the first page already? It contains a lot of information about Carthaga. See you later
    Scorpio528 likes this.
  6. Hey luka,
    I tried to move it, but it didn't work. Sorry. We are people from 3 different continents and you and me, we are right in the middle, so it had to be in the evening. I promise you that we will include Stoneguard in our discussion and if you want you can announce a represantative. I can do that, too, if you want.
    Scorpio528 likes this.
  7. hey I can get away with staying up til 12am :p
  8. Hey Kaizimir..... I got bored hehe.... ------>
  9. ok I need to fix one thing
  10. Can u tell me the gossip the next day
  11. Haha, of course. We'll gossip around...

    Wow, thank you :) the signature looks really nice. Sorry, I couldn't make it yesterday. Have you made it out to Carthaga anyway?
    Scorpio528 likes this.
  12. Kai, now our Carthaga's nether rail way entrance is now hidden with 2 pistons doors
    1. at the bridge
    2. at the main entrance
    But, by the way guys, I will need to show ya'll the buttons to open these doors
  13. Unfortunatly I have to remove one at the bridge,
    Crafter mentioned there's other ppls actually using the bridge too, but I've only remove the sticky pistons
  14. Hey guys!
    I'll be holding an auction soon for 54 player heads, I have a current progress of 22 heads and I'd love for you all to help me out by donating your heads to me!

    That's not all, I'm not just taking your heads for my own profit, half the proceeds will go to Carthaga's vault!
    AshBlue789 likes this.
  15. Hey PureBred,
    that's a good idea, I will setup a head chest close to the head farm and everybody that would like to partake can put their head there.
    Btw, I also would like to have a head of each member for the Hall Of Members. I'll put a chest next to the other for these heads too.
    So, we'll be head hunting ;)

    Scorpio528 likes this.
  16. Sure, just come out to the outpost. Note, there was a little change to the entrance to the rails. It involves a little looking around in the nether. But it is easy to find. You can also contact me or another member online.
    Scorpio528 likes this.
  17. Hey People,

    we finalized our first gold deal :D Please check out the second post of this thread for an updated financial summary. We are doing good and we have lots more stuff to auction!

    Scorpio528 likes this.