[Est. Outpost] People of Carthaga (PoC)

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by Kaizimir, May 18, 2014.

  1. All right guys, I hear you! We re going to fix this. Most important is that everybody can get food and supplies from the community storage for basic survival and that there are plenty of enderchests around town. Second most important is to set spawn, which is possible in the Guest house for a temporary relieve. After everybody is supplied with the minimum life support we need to expand.

    As I see it there are about 3-4 members without a permanent living space: For whom that applies to, there is always the possibility to settle somewhere around where ever there is space and it would please you.

    For further expansion we should look into more sustainable ways like creating 1) a new apartment building and 2) provide more town plots.
    To 1) We already have a designated space for the new apartment building which is close to the city iron farm. It doesn't need to be a full blown 12 storey apartment building. 2-3 storeys with the option to extend later on would be sufficient for now. If you have a design in mind just go for it!

    For 2) Probably more town plots would be most easily laid out in the northern part of the town, or in gr7's desert village.

    I'd be glad if St. Willlie ;) could look into an expendable apartment design and gr7 to pursue the planning of townplots where it seems feasible (standard size around 14x14 blocks). If Jinkers, Guill and Johnson can help, it'll even be easier :)

    (And then there is all the other stuff going around my head for Carthaga, but at this moment it must be for later)
  2. I will have 3 plots done by tomorrow so send em over! thanks for ur attention :)

    also I have a villa ready to go so if someone wants its urs :)

    if u are interested in building in the Oasis of Rest plz build out of sandstone which I will try to supplay thanks,
  3. BTW, dc of dirt brought over from smp7 is in Carthaga's storage system now. Also, I brought over a banner from my (small private unfinished ;)) smp7 outpost. Think I remember you posting that you wanted banners from allies?

    I'll put that in a chest for you sometime this weekend.
    gladranger7 and SteamboatWillie like this.
  4. Yeah at the oasis we just kinda build. There are a bunch of sand mounds that can be hollowed out to make homes. I know pink Floyd made his home really far north and maybe we can make a "Norrhern Carthaga" area up there.
  5. The banners are for the great hall at the oasis of rest. You can put the banner in the chest in the courtyard. Look in the great hall if you want to see what we're doing. Also I think we might need a new sand/sandstone quarry soon.
    gladranger7 and PineappleGem like this.
  6. Ill jump on in when I can to help out. Im not sure when that will be though as ive just started a new job and uni so ill have to see if/when i can get on. Hopefully it is soon.
    gladranger7 likes this.
  7. Jinkers likes this.
  8. When I think of apartment towers, I think of structures like Co-op City in The Bronx
  9. Floyd and I are the same person. This account is used for in town and events, as well as the forum, while floyd is my wilderness account

    Also, I could build up the homes in the Norther Carthaga if needed, as well as the streets.
    gladranger7 likes this.
  10. We will need a lot of glass or sand for the new apartments so sand quarry needs to be a priority.
  11. Can anyone help instruct me on how to make a signature that has different links?
  12. I honestly just copyed and pasted kais :p
  13. The parts of the sig that take you to different places are different images, the whole thing isn't actually one image.
  14. I'll work on bringing over some of both this weekend
    gladranger7 likes this.
  15. Since I will be running the events in Carthage, is it okay for me to take the event jobs out of the job center? Then if anyone wants to help I can give them jobs.
  16. I think you should let other people make events as a job too (ᵔᴥᵔ)
  17. I know but they can be part of the new event committee that will be created soon