Empire Status Update - 1/27/14

Discussion in 'Empire News' started by Aikar, Jan 27, 2014.

  1. In reply to that, I leave my opinion about why the original mobarena is more enjoyed. Like I said, I think there should be both variations, but the original one is quite great the way it is.

  2. oh i know its enjoyed, but you have to admit very few people play it seriously or competitively. most people just throw on leftover armor if any at all and come with a halfway decent sword. i think alot more new players will not only compete in the new one but have a chance of winning just as much as the vets which is what they really want
  3. I understand that completely, and I think mobarena has been slowly heading in that direction. By adding no item zombie mazes and only iron armor mobarenas, staff is opening the possibility of winners to more and more people.
  4. I wonder how everyone would feel if all items dropped in the mob arena were destroyed?

    As in, they do not go to the winner. They are despawned, destroyed, removed, no longer in the game.

    The winner gets only what is in the winners room.
    If the winner dies during mob arena, they loose their stuff also.

    Are you still prepared to spend a few 100k on buffs/gear to ensure a win? Is it still worth it to you? Or are you mostly motivated by the winning of everyone elses gear?

    I just wonder how everyone would feel knowing anything they take into the arena, they will never see again? :)

    This would be a great money sink for the server!
    Those with a lot more would risk more, and it's removed from server
    Those with not a lot, would not risk a lot.
    a money sink focused on those who can loose it. And does not otherwise affect the server. No one has to partake of the event.
    607 likes this.
  5. those who have won have lost a few times too usually losing thousands in gear i dont think it would effect them as long as the prize was worth the gamble. most people simply arent willing to even try for that tho is my point
  6. If SMP3 takes over Aikar will have to begin coding all over again... good job though.
  7. +Like! :)

    +Like! :)

    + $20 from me! :)

    I guess if one out of 10 is fun to play with and stays then we'll do great.
    If people stay and which people stay depends on us - the people they meet when they join.
    One has told me "I didn't play much multiplayer before because no one helped me."

    When the new players start to drop in, then it's time to choose who is fun to play with - together and / or as competition. Choose the best and help them, invest a bit of your time :)

    It was very good that you've announced to smp6 that the new members will start to join and that you were there to answer some questions. If you can spend 10-15 min I'd suggest to make people aware what's happening and what they can do.

    Yes, yes, some are interested in economy and development :)
    And if you wonder if there is room for development - yes, there's plenty of it ahead :)

    +Like! :)

    1) Challenging. Allow for gradual learning curve (help for beginners), but make goals / achievements hard to get, so people will be happy when they achieve something on EMC.
    2) Worth the effort. (This implies 1). If the game is easy or there are people that get it without effort, then it won't be valued. Community makes achievements valuable, worth the effort.
    3) Natural. It is an inspiration for many players that EMC is like a small virtual universe with 10 planets. It is fun, and a challenging game to develop in such a universe and community. The best you can do with it is - leave it alone, let the human nature work. No tweaking needed. Just natural rules that respect human nature.

    Just provide the basics, the tools, the framework, and let people make themselves happy as good as they can. This is the best happiness.
    Make the servers work - as reliable, available and lag-free as possible, and people will be happy - all and any of them to the grade that they are capable of being happy.

    Instead of trying to make them happy - you can inspire them to make themselves happy.
    Aikar, 607 and AlexChance like this.