Very nice! I'm also glad to hear it's allowed to use a mod to automatically click, as I don't want to get RSI from digging out a residence
Congrats Dwight ^_^ *Minty lightning and thunder* Time to brainstorm some ideas for the wallpaper contest!
Congratulations to Dwight and all referral winners, nice to see the new update out too! Can't wait to see the new contests coming up!
Congrats dwight, you really deserved it! You were the one who helped me out the most when I first got mod and I really appreciated that, so big thanks and congrats to you.
Congrats Dwight! Well deserved. Now, on an entirely different note, can we call you slime-man and then pay you to run around town with a slime block on your head?
As long as: -you are not interacting with the world in a way that bypasses the auto-AFK kicks for when the server is full, included but not limited to Afk rail systems, afk water paths, etc -you are sharing access and following afk terms for whatever farm you are at UNLESS you are the builder/owner (builder/owner has first dibs always)