Empire Minecraft is still 1.8 - 1.9.4 is near!

Discussion in 'Empire News' started by Krysyy, Feb 29, 2016.

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  1. Poor Marlix, but I'm not like that :p
    TBird1128 and ForeverMaster0 like this.
  2. ability to push players is fun in some cases(races and stuff) but 'im glad to see update coming! *glistening eyes* purple blocks!(among other things like splash potions and tipped arrows) in time i'm sure most of us will adjust to this update...cant wait to see how emc will be in 1.9. I favor the combat update, making you think in combat vs just spam click, minecraft has changed alot since i started playing...i adapted and ended up loving most of the updates!
  3. Marlix looks really messed up lol. Who cares, he's an evil skelly. ;)
    ShelLuser and ForeverMaster0 like this.
  4. I'm 100% for 1.9 too. The combat update is hard to adjust, but there is more leeway to make cheaper to better tools and weapons. Think about it, they made it so the hoe, (yeah: the useless hoe!) A viable weapon option when properly enchanted! How badass is that?

    Seriously, take more time to decypher all the greatness and all the potential all that gives us. We will finally be able to choose a weapon of choice and have a different fighting style thanks to that.

    I want to fight with the shovel against creepers to knock them back, then a sword to repulse a horde of Zombies with the slash, insta hit annoying running things with a sharpness V hoe! Oh and, no more running away from skeletons thanks to the all needed shields!
  5. If you were talking about Minecraft in general...
    That is atm 239,629 lines of code.

    If you were thinking about the Minecraft server... a.k.a. Paper
    That is a little over half, but still a high number with a total of 184,448 LOC. "Lines of Code"
  6. Thank you so much. Now I have a number!
    Still looks like Millions to me XD
    0.239629 million lines of codes,
    0.184448 million too.. ;)
    TomvanWijnen, tuqueque1 and Omegian04 like this.
  7. It's kinda funny becuz "purpur" is "purple" in German.
    ForeverMaster0 likes this.
  8. No why did you have to go show that...... thought I would never have to see any more code as long as I lived :p. Na not completely true I was thinking of trying to learn some coding again. As much as I hated my class it was still fun at times. Anyways I was going to pipe in and say my favorite thing about 1.9 is the trap door change. I love using ladders to get places also it will make things like my Vertical garden much easier as I have trap door set up to keep people out of my crops.
    ForeverMaster0 likes this.
  9. I feel like I should address this, as it's given me so many headaches...
    Work is being done upstream to allow it to be disabled.

    If you really want to know why I know this and why it's given me so many headaches, just ask.
    Sparticals likes this.
  10. Why?
  11. Here we go again... (jk lol)
    Omegian04 likes this.
  12. Oh no marlix lost his pants! Avert your eyes or be blinded.:p
  13. "1.9 is not coming" That is what I see the green text in.
  14. Where's the proof?


    Is this a 'joke'?
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  15. ChickenDice likes this.
  16. Dude, winter? Not another one. Ah...
    MissFable, ThaKloned and Omegian04 like this.
  17. Strange. This is what I see...
    ShelLuser, TotoStyle, FDNY21 and 8 others like this.
  18. The British are already here. Gotta luv'em though.
    MissFable and Omegian04 like this.
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