#emcdevappreciation => Think of a good name & win a price!

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by ShelLuser, Jan 3, 2016.



Poll closed Feb 3, 2016.
Yes 11 vote(s) 50.0%
No 0 vote(s) 0.0%
I am a dev? 6 vote(s) 27.3%
I know why the chicken crossed the road! 5 vote(s) 22.7%
  1. EMC Develation
    (EMC Revelation)

    The Declaration of Devdipendence or
    The Developation of Independence

    Dev: il fix the bug!
    (Devil fix the bug or Dev: I'll fix the Bug!)
  2. First off apologies for all the delays. I had my Internet connection cut off and was already happy that I finally managed to get a vote going using my phone to prevent derelict timeouts. Highly annoying.

    So... lets reboot and settle all this.

    Now: A small bump, people can enter some more stuff I suppose and this contest will end next week. Sorry, can't give a definitive date yet, "beginning next week" it is.
    Later: I'll contact the team of judges I assembled to see if they're still up for the job of picking a winner.
    This weekend: I'll contact the mystery player who had an awesome idea to extend this competition even further. Just to make sure that everything is still in the running. If it is I'll announce that next week as well. What this idea is? Remains a mystery for now ;)

    I'll also sort out the other thread. What thread?

    In other news...

    The most popular update of 2015 done by the dedicated team of developers turns out to be the Empire update to 1.8. Now that we have the most popular update I'll try and work out the mystery book :)

    Once again my apologies for the delays; we'll settle all this next week.
  3. Ok you guys... I know things got delayed but trust me: better late than never. I always try (hard) to finish what I started, this is no exception.

    The judges have been warned and they're going to look over the entries. So the moment of truth will soon come!
    gladranger7 likes this.
  4. I'm postponing the decision & announcing of the winners 1 more day. Tomorrow is Prize-Day, that's a promise. I asked some of my contrib. team co-players to help me out and they did an awesome job. Maybe even too good because now I'm having a hard time making the final decision :)

    I'll go over the whole thing again later this evening and then make my final decision.
    EmoryCrafts and Kytula like this.
  5. Time to announce the winners

    First of all I'd like to say that this wasn't easy. Both BlinkyBinky & StoneSky helped me a lot, I even asked Aya for some input and still couldn't make up my mind ;) As a result I'm also throwing in some runner up prizes

    1st prize

    Pterojackdyl => "Don't hate; appreciate!"

    I liked it best because the phrase can go both ways. It could easily be aimed at us players; don't hate but appreciate all the work the devs. put into the server. But also the devs themselves: don't hate, but appreciate all the attention (positive & negative) which the players give you.

    In the judging thread it got also mentioned as catchy and optimistic.

    2nd prize

    Rhythmically => "The best of 2015"

    Simple, but strictly to the point. Which is also what programming can be all about: if you're not to the point and (for example) miss one single ; in your code then nasty stuff can happen.

    In the judging thread it got also mentioned as an okay title which summarizes it nicely.

    3rd prize

    PinkCaker_senpai => "In updates we trust"

    I really like the truth in that statement, because there's always something which could go wrong ;)

    In a separate judging conversation it got also mentioned as something which is for players and devs. too.

    Runner up prizes!

    Totally unannounced, totally unexpected but a suggestion I totally agree with.

    fBuilderS => "More bugs!"
    Kytula => "The DEVinci code"
    Mehtryx => "The heart of EMC"

    I hear you wonder: "What* did I win?" Sorry, but I have no idea :D Aya said to be be handling that part shortly after I posted this announcement.

    * Can't believe that word got lost :confused:

    Congratulations to all the winners & another warm thank you to my fellow judges!

    What happens next?

    As you can see in this thread the upgrade to Minecraft 1.8 won as the best update performed by our developers in 2015. So in the coming week I'll be trying to collect signatures from all 19 voters in the developer appreciation book. After that I'll be going over all SMP's to see if there are more players willing to sign the book and after all that I'm going to check how (and if) we can present it to the developers.

    There is also something else going on, but before I get to all that I want to finish up on this one first.
  6. Congrats to all the winners and other runners up!! A big thank you to to shell and the judges ^_^ I'm looking forward to seeing what happens next!

    EDIT: Thanks AyanamiKun for the "tinfoil hat" and emerald block! :D
    ShelLuser and AyanamiKun like this.
  7. ppl won cool emerald block and a tinfoil hat 2 keep pesky staff out of ur way! :eek:

    i laughed sooo hard when i read that thread i knew it had 2 be added. cool tin foil hat, limited edition, worth an easy 1 billion rupees!!

    edit: got ninja'd by kytula! :p
    Kytula likes this.
  8. Thanks AyanamiKun! congrats to the winners, a lot of great choices and just enjoyed participating :)
    ShelLuser, Kytula and AyanamiKun like this.
  9. Thnx :D Couldn't believe it when i saw my name XD I ran around the house showing my family XD
    mercenaries2009, Kytula and ShelLuser like this.