EMC, what do YOU want?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by samsimx, Jul 15, 2015.

  1. •another economy destroying drop party
    •less dragon eggs so I can have more promo value (I'm that greedy :p )
    •popular mini games in the games server
  2. I'd like to see another EMC Olympics event
    Kaizimir, kyukyu99, 607 and 1 other person like this.
  3. EMC games* :p but yeah I'd have to +1 that. :D
  4. Rumor has it that olympics events change seasons...but that's just a rumor in the rumor mill...
  5. Ya hu..
  6. I don't understand this.. Didn't even read the thread lol.
  7. I... I recommend reading it to understand it... :confused::rolleyes:
  8. NU!
  9. yes krysyy.. rumors..
  10. Nu, honey. I'm to busy doing.. OH LOOK A CHICKEN!
  11. I don't really know anything myself... but I'm open for participating in anything, as long as possible for me in my time zone.
    Well, if you won't read and don't even know what the thread is about, why are you commenting? :confused:
  12. (Bump? =P)

    I think some EMC trivia from the staff members is a good addition. Prizes can go from building blocks-promos depending on how hard the question is. Just a thought :)
    cadgamer101 and samsimx like this.
  13. king of the hill

    pyramid of blocks approximtely 20 blocks high. Everyone starts at the bottom and rushes to the top of the pyramid. PvP is permitted. If you get to the top of the pyramid, you control it and a clock starts. However, those not on top get jump boost IV as compensation. First to control for one minute wins.

    Hardcore version :6-8 machine gun marlixes at the top. First to control the top AFTER killing all of them win.

    Super Hardcore version: 1-2 senior staff is at the top with minty bow and minty anti-arrow armor. Mobs may or may not get involved. Kill SS and control the hill to win, but be careful - SS dont go away.

    This is just a brainstorm, so critique appreciated.
    607 likes this.
  14. I've thought about starting this before
    cadgamer101 likes this.
  15. Survival quests ... like who will return to the town first from 200k out starting with with empty inventory (spawn point set at the start).

    Community Auctions with more love and more mature rules would be a big step for EMC.
    Kaizimir likes this.
  16. This thread is about things samsimx can do as a player, such as events, etc.
    Auction rules are not one of those things he can change.
  17. Yes I do :)

    (I was referring to that question when mentioning auction rules above.)
  18. i just wonder, when will they start Releasing promos? and when a day comes up like Vday 2015 like, will there be the same promo as the past? :p
  19. We don't know when the next promo will be, but usually there are ones for Christmas, Thanksgiving, Independence Day, that sort of stuff. Look at the Wiki and you'll see what there has been.

    As for same promos as the past, all promos are not what we call "controlled items", which means they can be released again if the staff choose to do so. For example, the Cupid's Bow was released in '14 and '15, but for example Independence Day, there has always been something a little bit different, even if it's just the year written on the firework, but yeah, we don't know if there will be another promo that is the same, but it's always possible. :)
    607 likes this.