EMC Staff Application [Updated May 29th, 2013]

Discussion in 'Empire News' started by IcecreamCow, Sep 8, 2012.

  1. Then everyone would be:
    A. Voting for themselves.
    B. Voting for their best friend because "he'll let me do nething lulzzzz!!!!!"

    I think I'll leave it to the Mods to decide.

    Over 9000
  2. Lol
  3. There are things called rules and if friends vote for themselves that's all they have but the most popular vote goes to the most popular person :) i wasn't serious either just trying to lighten things up in here....
    mba2012 and PandasEatRamen like this.
  4. *Situation that arises*
    Candidate1: I will be a great mod because I will try to prevent griefing, not take sides, keep the spam at minimum, and generally put all my effort into making EMC an even more wonderful server. Please vote for me so that I can help the community!

    Candidate2: i w1ll givz you thr33 fr33 d1@m0ndz and 50 rup33z if youz votyz 4 meh!!!!!!!!!!!

    *Candidate2 wins because he constantly advertises his message on the servers and the noobs vote for him*
  5. This isn't a popularity contest. There can be a HUGE difference between the most qualified, and the most popular
    oremia and margaritte like this.
  6. See this is the kind of reply i like to see a funny one with humor :) not too serious.
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  7. Lol yup! It took a while to make cause of the way Candidate2 "spoke", so that why my reply was a bit late!:p
  8. In all seriousness; however many we need or however many fit the description and would be great staff members. :)

    I think this update is great, I can only think of a few mods that I see often. :)
  9. Just because there is a new application does not guarantee a full open position on the staff, nor how many. It simply means that new criteria that Jeremy thought would be important in the process of searching through candidates was added (or some unimportant things subtracted). The applications are sifted through as new staff members are needed. So please, still post one if you feel qualified. However, posting an application does not guarantee a position, or that one is currently open, just that when the time arises that a name need to be called, there are choices.
  10. Just curious, but does IcC read them all first? Or do the regular mods get a "pile" to look through, and then send what they consider to be a possible choice onto IcC/Justin and then he/they have the final say? Or ____? Sorry, i just get curous about these things:p
  11. Well we give each application a number value without reading them and then if a sports team that week completes a game with one of the numbers we send that to Jeremy. And then he reads them. The rest are simply used for Holiday decorations/Tissue paper.


    To be honest, some things are best left secret unless someone else decides to release that glorious information.
  12. I always pictured Jeremy putting the names of some of the applications on sticky notes, then placing said sticky notes on a dart board and throwing darts at them to see which one he will pick to read.
  13. This came to mind when you said sticky notes

    ENWehr and pat2011 like this.
  14. Hahahahahahaha! You are too late! I figured out your method by looking here!
    And would you look at that, 12 year olds can't be mods!:p /trollololololol
    PandasEatRamen likes this.
  15. I hope to see some new moderators out there stopping crime.
    PandasEatRamen likes this.
  16. I guess Icc is following Justin's words "Because you see in Empire Minecraft, the server trolls you."-JustinGuy
    mba2012 and bucky291 like this.
  17. jkjkjk182 likes this.
  18. jkjkjk182 likes this.
  19. I wonder if anyone actually remembers the context this is from... For those that don't remember or weren't around... (I was certainly there when it happened) Soon after the Wild Reset this last time, a new griefer popped up. He would climb/fly (not sure which) on top of trees and put lava on top of them. The community was rallying to put out the lava and de-grief it. And Justin pops in and fixes those areas within a minute. Here is the Original Post :) Good memories