EMC PVP - Preliminary community discussion

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by JustinGuy, Mar 21, 2012.

  1. I guess I'm a crazy combatant but I've killed people with diamond stuff with 10 stone swords.
  2. Exactly. Just because they have diamond stuff doesn't mean that you can't beat them if you have a few stone swords. (or more than a few)
  3. I would prefer an arena with difference classes like ranger tank solider ect think this would be more enjoyable because you wouldn't get people ganging up on the safe zones
  4. i would be happy to create the pvp server but i cant use my port if justin would help i will do it. or i will make a pvp area on my res if anyone would like
  5. when i say this i mean a pvp areana if people like this idear i will go into the further thing
  6. Having read through the post again, the question that needs to be asked is this:

    Do people want to hit other people for the sake of hitting people, or do they want structure to the hitting?

    PvP on its own, has no structure, is pointless, and a massive game-ruiner. On a dedicated PvP server, vanilla PvP is beyond pointless.

    So if people on EMC want to just hit each other, then I still stand by the idea I mentioned in an earlier post:

    Empire Minecraft Fortress Mode

    You take the concept of Town and make it /fortress , make the map a lot smaller, and the Residences a lot smaller (30x30 for example), and each person can build their own fortress by Vaulting stuff over from other EMC SMP servers. Only the Owner of the lot can build unless they assign build flags, but anyone can destroy a set number of blocks per lot. Each player has a 'flag' (Brewing stand?) which they place in their base and it's a point per flag that you manage to destroy or capture.

    New players to /fortress get ten days protection where they can't destroy on other Residences but theirs can't be destroyed either. This gives them a chance to build up and hide their 'flag' in their base somewhere.

    Then people can battle it out on there instead? Like a playground.

    So we now have the hitting people ability, but in a structured and potentially very fun manner.

    As it'd just be one world with no Wild or Nether, then perhaps there's scope to introduce some more playful mods like the Cannons mod.
  7. I like this idea but I think it should be reformed and put into the Hunger Games idea. It would be just like the Hunger Games, but each District (team of two if you haven't read the books or watched the movie) would get a flag that they can hide wherever they want. When they die, they respawn, but if their flag is taken then they're out. Good?
  8. I like this idea but maybe this could be like a weekly/monthly event like the real hunger games just not annual also this would be hard to be too regular as teams of 2 take a while to be organised. Also would districts be servers this would be VERY cool
  9. There needs to be a poll in here :)
  10. If you do add pvp it needs to make a difference and matter. Mindless "ganking" is only fun for so long.

    Things like zone domination, capture the flag, player bases etc.

    Is there a way to randomly place players on a "team" when they log on to the servers? We could have some sort of Red vs Blue zone domination.


    EMC Fortress Domination.

    Using elements from the fortress idea already suggested, add 10 (?) different zones that players are able to capture. The more zones they own, the faster they accumulate points. We could have a time limit on things like this before it resets, say 4 hours? Whoever has the most points at the end of the time wins the round. If a team captures all zones and holds them for a short time (10 minutes?) then they automatically win that round.

    To stop players team switching because they are losing we could make it so they are on the team they started with for that round, even if they log out.

    We could add a leaderboard system for individual players. Number of kills, bases captured, games won etc.

    Obviously stuff like this depends on what plugins you can use/create, and it would be a lot of work. I do think a dedicated server for something like this could be awesome though.
    SecretAznEks likes this.
  11. Noooooooooo!
    A pvp server MUST have factions plugin! No town no another thing just wilderness nether and ender world! (planetoid world would be good too) Are you guys really serious with fortress thing!?!there wont be fun on a flat area! Have you ever played on a pvp server? The fun part of pvp is that making hidden places, making tnt cannons killing people a lot, decreasing their power and claiming their land! I have an awesome pvp server but i dont know if i am allowed to post the ip here, its an awesomw server with lots of good plugins like mobarena iconomy dynmap etc. I also have very good warzones like castlewars and pvpzone. I want to share my ip but idk that if i am allowed. Also i can make an epic pvp server for empire. But that fortress thing does not look like a good idea.
  12. The thing is, we need to be careful of coming up with ideas that are simply too complex to work with MC or that would require too much time and effort to create.

    Anything that has teams and point earning systems based on capture points, etc, is going too far I think.
  13. Points is very simply, there is a pvp rank boars plugin thats easy may i post my server ip to show ppl my server ans features?
  14. If the best we can come up with is a standard PvP server where people lay traps and harass each other then we may aswell not bother. There are plenty of them out there.

    As far as having a town to pvp in, why would it be a flat area? There could be a building phase to make it awesome. Making hidden places, killing people a lot and claiming land could all be part of the action. This could be the EMC spin on a PvP server. The wild, nether and end would be there for all the usual MC PvP, but we would have the town, fortress, call it what you like. This could be where organised, team PvP could happen. We could set up a league, have pre made teams. Who wouldn't want the chance to take on a team of mod's/admins at PvP? :p

    I could go on all day with ideas and to some extent I agree we shouldn't make it overly complex but why not think outside the box?

    "Let's make a town with 60x60 lots, lets have a great shop system, let's hit animals with sticks!!!"

    EMC is different, that is why we are all here. I think a PvP specific server with a unique selling feature can only benefit us in the long run. What that unique selling point is, well that is up to the community as always. I'm just throwing my ideas in to the mix. :)
  15. Maybe we could make a nether area where it is like a lava wasteland for the most hardcore of PvPers
  16. I somewhat agree with yigitusta in that the fun part of PvP is building bases, traps, etc. But a traditional factions plugin where any player can make a faction, or join? I think the mods/admins should be responsible for holding events, in which THEY make the teams. That'd lead to less chaos.
  17. I read the first page of comments and then got to lazy to read the other 8 O.O But I thought I'd still throw in my two cents

    I think a PvP server would add a new dynamic to the EMC experience. There would be a new type of player in the community. One who wants to just fight it out and doesn't get as much out of building. I think having a PvP server would be a lot of fun for people if it was setup well. We would need to address logging issues (maybe penalize you if you DC on low health), stop spawn camping (randomized spawn?), and stop anyone from becoming to powerful (no vault or rupees, regular inventory/world resets). I'm sure other issues might arise, but from what I have seen in the EMC community, we can fix it and still keep it fun. I think a new server would attract new players to EMC and potentially get them into the heart of EMC which is its PvE servers. This addition might require its own forum section and would definetly need a long list of strict rules.

    So to sum it up, put me for SUPPORTING a PvP server with the conditions that it is set up in a way that will maximize fun and minizmize hurt feelings or frustration.
  18. I like the idea of teams run by mods and admins this would be really fun I still think there should be battles between servers
  19. I am against PVP.
  20. And why is this?