EMC PVP - Preliminary community discussion

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by JustinGuy, Mar 21, 2012.

  1. I think if PvP is put on an existing server, people will claim they thought they were still in the arena as they dump lava on you.
  2. But you see, that wont happen, because there will be so many notices and warnings saying whether you are on the PVP server or not, that to think you will still on a PVP server would mean that you are seriously lacking a few brain cells XD
    *Edit* Well probably more than a few haha
  3. Exactly. I also agree with the point that prizes should be brought into SMP, just that items cannot be brought from SMP to PvP.
  4. I dont see why the items couldnt be cross server? After all this is EMC we are talking about, EMC has revolutionised the cross server aspect!
    If in your mind want to not take anything across, do so by all means. (If this whole thing goes through), but for other players, it would be a great thing to be able to take stuff to the server. And of course, they would be taking a risk, but that's their choice :)
  5. DO IT!!!!!
  6. Personally, I've had nothing but sour experiences in all PvP servers. I literally walked out a foot outside of the "safezone" in one and was jumped by some guy with diamond everything. But I would favor the idea of a new world (NOT server, world, like wilderness, nether, and town) implemented in EMC where PvP, griefing, and stealing are all permitted to feed the cravings of our rather hardcore survivalists. This world would allow our more destructive members exert their energy legally. We would be sure to express that if you play here, there is always a possibility you'll be attacked by another member, your house will be burning, and your stuff will be gone. I can see how a few would enjoy the feeling of risk if they decide to build a house out there.

    Perhaps we should call it the "wasteland", a world where almost anything goes.
    hayleycolgan and MEINCRAVTA like this.
  7. you know what i have an idea scrap the arena idea for a sec please how about this we have a town, like now , and thats pretty much the whole server you can import items for a good price that raises every use pvp is allowed in the town but you can't leave the town no griefing and no destroying blocks exempt in certain areas like a little pvp town with (maybe) an arena a little modle wilderness to survive in and like 12 clans (the wilderness could have a limit that you can't go past and use that as a BIG arena) pretty much i was thinking HugerGames but a new server like this but has an element of pvp pure survival and factions
  8. What I'm saying is that players with lots of rupees and diamond stuff on SMP will be able to just bring their stuff over and trounce everyone else without having to play by the "start-from-scratch' aspect that I associate with the Hunger Games. All I'm saying is that there are people who prefer not to be trounced and have voiced their opinions, so I figured I would provide my idea.
  9. To be fair, I'm going to skip right to the end and say this. I find it downright selfish that people feel this is a "yes, do it" or "no, don't do it" vote. Would I want to have anything to do with PvP? Absolutely not. But, just because i don't like PvP and hate cheaters, doesn't mean we shouldn't have a PvP feature on a separate server, like dystopia. If you don't want it, don't use it, simple as that. This isn't an opt out thing, it's an opt in. Here is some basic guidelines that should help everyone out:

    1. "I don't like PvP." Answer: Don't log onto dystopia.
    2. "I feel PvP is full of cheaters." Answer: Don't log onto dystopia.
    3. "The guys who are ahead are too strong." Answer: Don't log onto dystopia.
    4. "My feelings get hurt when I die and lose all my stuff." Answer: Don't log onto dystopia.
    5. "I'm not as good as others at PvP, and always die." Answer: Don't log onto dystopia.
    6. "Mr_Funny_Man always camps right outside the safe zone." Answer: Don't log onto dystopia.

    I think that is a pretty self-explanatory set of guidelines. Sorry for my sarcastic nature, but I'm not a fan of the "I don't like it, so no one should have have it" mentality. But on a brighter note, lets look at how PvP on a dystopia will HELP the rest of the worlds and players, even those who don't ever do PvP or log onto dystopia.

    1. Diamond prices go up, since diamond armor and swords are in higher demand. This leads to more rupees for oldschool miners.
    2. Enchanting swords and armor will actually become useful. Wild xp farmers gain from this.
    3. Potions finally serve a purpose, giving people who enjoy brewing some extra purpose. Potion prices, as well as the prices of those ingredients, goes up, at the benefit of the farmers and miners of those ingredients.

    Clearly, a lot more people will benefit from a PvP server than just the PvP players. Ignoring this is unfair and short-sighted. However, there are two fundamental problems with PvP that render it difficult to properly and fairly implement and police.

    1. People who log out when about to die/lose.
    2. Those who use mods or texture packs to give them an unfair advantage.

    To be honest, I can't say I have a full-proof suggestion to solve these issue. I would suggest to solve the first issue, have it so that if the system detects that one player hits another, have it so that if either player logs out, their body remains in place even when offline, until they die or log back in and regain control. This effect should last 60-120 seconds after the last hit from either player. To solve the second issue, well, I guess do whatever it is you do to find cheaters now. Beyond that, players must realize that playing in a PvP dystopia is a risk they have the OPTION to take, and are by no means forced to participate.

  10. In return to everybody saying when you leave the safe zone you get destroyed maybe you could start with practically broken diamond stuff
  11. Or, you know, come prepared with your own diamond stuff via the vault, which should be accessible in the safe zone.

  12. I like PVP but not when you lose valuables. I think it would be best if in the large areas on the SMP's and Utopia there should be an arena where you may kill others. having an arena would be beneficial because people could keep thier valuables on their plots and than go to the arena with only things they can bear to lose this would make it fun without people becoming saddened when they lose their enchanted diamond sword.
  13. Sorry I was assuming there was no vault but even then people like me wouldn't be able to buy armor and weapons out of diamond because it would cost way to much
  14. Personally, I think that PvP's about more than fighting. It's about surviving too, so all the other minecraft skills should also be tested in the server. In an arena, only the fighting skill is needed, but all the other minecraft survival skills aren't. Therefore, I think that if we are going to have a PvP area, it needs to be a proper minecraft world, not just an arena. However, an arena could also be put on a separate world on the server for those who want it, of course.
  15. No. Just no.

    All my reasons discussed :)
  16. PVP in towns is the worst idea ever.

    All someone has to do is build a giant pit of lava on their res and pretend to sell things people want (ie Diamonds for 30r)

    Then they just grab everyone's items after killing them.

    Not to mention, PvP with free teleportation is pretty pointless.
    GameKribJEREMY likes this.
  17. The interesting thing to me is that lots of people mentioned the team part being best. This actually solves a couple of problems. If we had 2 teams then each team can have their own spawn area. This will mean that you wont get spawn killed because it will be surrounded by (hopefully) friendly players - nor should it turn into a wasteland.

    Im changing my suggestion to this:
    * At the start we generate a world with a spawn for each team a set distance away from each other ( like 10k blocks )
    * When a player logs in for the first time they have to pick team A or team B ( they can not change this until the game ends )
    * Each team has to get the other teams dragon egg and return it to their spawn
    * First team to get the other teams egg wins and the world is reset and we start again.
    * Players get points for kills and being on the winning team

    I like the idea because it could be like two empires going against each other instead of just all out pvp. This way you will make friends with players on your team and not just hating everyone for killing you all the time.

    The other fun part could be organised raids going for the egg by brute force or a single stealthy assasin grabbing the egg when no-one is looking! Of course you would be able to build as many traps as you liked around your egg!
    will_iamd and margaritte like this.
  18. Why not let people make their own teams?
  19. I think that makes it *much* more complicated...

    To start with then its not just capture the other teams egg. Its.. what? - capture all the other teams eggs? That makes it much harder to win.

    Also the the teams would need to be pre-arranged.

    Both are possible - and actually it would be good to have two versions running: one for organised teams and won for all out A vs B. But its definatly more complicated imo.
  20. Not really. If you can have two teams, and people belong to a team, you simply create a data structure to hold a list of teams, and allow people to belong to more than the two of them. New players need to choose a team anyways, so just give them more options.

    Other than that, the dynamics are the same. Other players are either on your team, or not. Later features could include alliances and non-aggression pacts, but this is not a necessity, and doesn't have to affect game mechanics. One thing you may also consider is allowing the team creators or members to accept new members, as some people may not want random players joining their team, but again, the game is playable without this addition.

    If you're concerned about too many teams being created, mak

    As for difficulty to win, winning is simply having the highest number of 'eggs'. I think diamonds are a much better measure of success than eggs personally, since eggs - only spawn mobs, and diamonds, well, they make armour, weapons, enchantment tables, so there's an extra dynamic of using versus saving diamonds, and this is Minecraft - after all.

    Why would you want the competition to end? Ending only gives an opportunity for people to quit playing and do something else because it's 'over'. If you want to involve prizes, then just give them out at set intervals.

    Solution to issue #1: Wait for them to log back in or place lava where they logged out so they respawn and die.

    Solution to issue #2: Screenshot. Ban.