EMC Official Art Thread

Discussion in 'Artists' Gallery' started by Green_Mystery, Mar 16, 2012.

  1. A challenger! I'll add another 5k to my donation as well.
    20k for a silly work of art?! Show me watcha got, guys!
    MR2R2M likes this.
  2. Must get home and find some of my art to put on this thread! I have a fav piece I'd love to put up, but it has a swear word on it (s) so I'm not sure if I should :p I'll find some others though for sure :)
    ISMOOCH likes this.
  3. my favorite from 2009

  4. Is there any way you can censor or blur out the offending word? I'd love to see your work, but this is a family-friendly site.
  5. it is a great piece if it is the one i am thinking off.. but the work over all.. isnt very.. "family-friendly" XD..
    hayleycolgan likes this.
  6. I could try.. But even if I did people would still get the jist of what it was saying I think. I'll have a look into it right now :) I have other stuff I wanna post too.

    Thanks Smooch :p he's right though. A lot of my paintings are quite evil. >:) maybe I'll find a way to share with the older community/those interested.
    ISMOOCH likes this.
  7. I painted this here panda :) its hanging on my wall now

    Attached Files:

  8. Also have a few charcoal studies... Could be adapted into a book cover if I wanted haha

    Attached Files:

  9. i have very little talent in IRL drawing.. but.. i have fun here and there with computer projects.. nopicsplzzz.jpg
  10. my only real portrait of someone ... I am proud of this hat.. but Real faces are hard for me to do.. But this is someone from the community ;)

    Hashhog, PenguinDJ, jacob5089 and 5 others like this.
  11. whats that? iSmooch throws in another 10K? this is just crazy XD
    MR2R2M and amadai like this.
  12. Hey ISMOOCH, is that illustrator vector? Or another program?
  13. That is amazing. I bet they love it :)
    Should we change the winner to the best image, or keep it as the silliest? I feel like there are a lot of amazing works of art that would be left out, otherwise...
    MR2R2M likes this.
  14. it is flash.. but thats only because it is native to me because of my animating days, the tools are not really the best for just single frame artwork, but i have fun with it.
  15. i am purposefully not posting anything silly to stay out of the running of the silliest, because i do not like to donate to pools i can win ;)
  16. ah gotcha, havent tried flash. I like the vector stuff in illustrator, i did a treehouse piece but it is more of a advertisement than art
  17. Cosmic_by_tbone773_haha.jpg
    I call it Cosmic. Lol i dont really know why. Its vector and raster combined.
  18. we_have_lift_off_by_tbone773haha.jpg
    I made this after watching UP.
  19. Frankie_the_goat_by_tbone773haha.jpg
    This is frankie, look deep into his eyes...
  20. lion_by_tbone773haha.jpg
    This is a lion at the Fort Worth Zoo. I was sort of hanging over the lion pen. In retrospect, not a great idea. But i got this lol.
  21. Alright, so I got out my art boards and pulled out some that should be acceptable. If any aren't please tell me and I'll take them down :) Also, please ignore that most of them I've just taken a photo of. I wish they weren't like this but I only have an A4 sized scanner :( Will be going to a professional to get them all done eventually.

    Some I am more proud of than others.. :)