EMC New Permanent Ban Stance

Discussion in 'Empire News' started by IcecreamCow, Sep 18, 2012.

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  1. what do you mean by recompense? like, any daily rupees they missed out on?
  2. Yeah, basically any daily rupee's they may have missed out on during their ban-time if they aren't supporters. Supporters still receive daily rupees in their account at midnight each day, even when banned. :)
  3. Not disagreeing with what you are saying. But don't supporters technically automatically receive their bonus at the "end" of the day. This is something I have noticed - but I am not gone for more than a day very much :p
  4. I would consider midnight end of day and start of day, so we are sortof both right :p
    ZBSDKryten and bonzd67 like this.
  5. i'm just gonna throw this out there, not that it's going to change anything but just a thought i had

    most of the time if someone does something that is ban-worthy, like being aggressive or griefing, etc it's because they're bored with the game or are just trolling... and if they are a player that would be effected by this reset, which would be someone who's been around awhile and actually has something worth losing... then given their likely mindset prior to getting banned coupled with the fact that they have now lost everything, i would think the likelihood that they come back after all this and want to start over is kinda slim.

    i'm thinking the types of players you'd want to save with a policy like this are the players who are 99% good but just had a bad day or something... and thus if you punish them beyond a temp-ban and reset everything then not sure the punishment fits the crime.

    now if this policy is supposed to be met as a deterrent.. like if you do something to get banned you're going to lose everything... then i'd say that these types of deterrents usually don't work because either they find a way around them or they are willing to lose everything in order to be a troll.

    and by "finding a way around them" i mean if they have alts or friends who play they might move all their stuff off their res or transfer their rupees to someone else before getting banned, etc... thus negating the punishment really.

    all this to say that EMC's gotta do what EMC's gotta do... but i think the policy of being "nice" is a good policy and i'm not sure this change in policy is going to really resolve any issues except let whomever these players are who complained about the old policy feel good that they were able to get revenge on someone for whatever they did to get banned.

    just my .02, not like it's gonna effect me as i won't ever do anything to get banned... but i felt my thoughts were good enough to share.
    Pab10S and bonzd67 like this.
  6. lol, I prefer it the way it is now - because you still get to see you receiving the rupee bonus :)

    Edit: I just realized how off topic this is XD
  7. Who me? :p Not always, like IcC I need to sleep also - I just don't use the same schedule as everyone else.

    Edit: not sure why you deleted this... but I liked it for the record
  8. The way that rupees are awarded isn't changing at all, they will still be received if you log on at anytime during the day, but if you don't log on they will be credited to your account at midnight. :)
  9. I deleted it to try and fix your name. Apple products disagree we me on occasion. My iPad froze 4x while I tried to reload the page. During that time, sgx and =<shaunwhite replied. Of course, the iPad disagreed with those reloads, and just shut safari off.
    chickeneer likes this.
  10. Well, I am fixing the quote from you :) And made up for the like on the other post :p because I just started Loling all around. Someone I am sitting with even asked me - what are you laughing about XD
  11. Lol I'm using an iPad as well right now
    bonzd67 likes this.
  12. We got WAY off the original topic. I did read it 3 hours ago, but somehow got sidetracked.

    In any case, as XOR SHAUNWHITE mentioned, the rupee accounted is credited exactly at EST 00:00:00....... ......
  13. I
    I had thought we had established this... It just only is applied if you did not log-in at all the rest of the day...

    So yeah, the reason we have got off topic - I think is my fault...
  14. So if I got this straight... I have not been banned so my residence won't be removed right?:confused:
  15. Umm, if you haven't been banned. This really doesn't apply to you. It just says that there are punishments to a player who is Permanently banned - and gets an appeal to be allowed to come back... Don't break the rules, yada yada yada...
    bonzd67 and padde73 like this.
  16. Not sure if this has been brought up here yet but here is an idea to discuss:

    TNT is not allowed for non diamond members. Flint & Steel is.
    Flint & Steel is not a big issue in town since you usually can put down your own fires and the flags protect your res from getting burned down by others.

    It is a big deal in the wild though. One use of Flint & Steel can burn down a whole village or forest including treehouses. It is actually far more dangerous than TNT in the wild. So why not limit the use of it in the wild somehow?
    Maybe make it only available to diamond supporters like the TNT.
    I am aware that there are some rare cases where you might want to burn a forest in the wild for good reasons though.S
    o maybe people could request permission to use it from a mod.

    What do you think?
  17. Liasen I /p Liasen and you have nothing to worry about unless you use illegal mods and get permabanned and are not given an appeal.
  18. people need flint and steel for portal transportation.
  19. Good point. Maybe it could be enabled for for that purpose only. Making a portal is a different thing then setting a block on fire.
  20. Could be my fault as well....

    In any case, SGX makes points. Someone (or everyone) in the empire will always have a logical point. Players don't get banned for spamming. Players get banned for spamming CONTINUALLY.
    Pab10S likes this.
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