EMC In Another 6 Years

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by azoundria, Oct 5, 2017.

  1. So I was just randomly thinking about how much EMC has changed in the past 6 years, looking back on old history...

    30r diamonds.

    egging residences.

    dirt walls around the spawn.

    back when there was only one type of wood.

    I just thought it'd be cool to speculate on what you think EMC will be like in 6 years. Or if anyone's here from the future, you can just share what you see.
    AyanamiKun, SkeleTin007, 607 and 4 others like this.
  2. Don't forget about Diamond Pick with Eff III being around 50k and hauling animals across the server to your res hoping you didn't losing majority of them.
  3. Although I wasn't around 6 years ago, from tales of old members (and current ones) it's easy to imagine what it was like. I don't even need to imagine really as old threads (most of them) are still intact, even random screenshot threads.

    EMC has survived 6 years and is still evolving. No one can predict what EMC will be like. No one can guess what will happen over the next how many years but I'm sure there are great things in store for us. If you guess what new features will come to EMC, you gotta be a psychic :p.
  4. Weirder mods :p
    Tuqueque, JohnKid and FadedMartian like this.
  5. I honestly don't think EMC will be alive in 6 years. Minecraft will do somthing that will make people quit mc or EMC may shut down.
    WardleDeBoss likes this.
  6. Interesting point, EMC is a long term thing though. Many years have been put in, along with work from multiple people and donations have been taken, one thing I know for sure is EMC shouldn't (and wouldn't) shut down willingly.
    M4ster_M1ner, FadedMartian and 607 like this.
  7. Probably not around anymore.
    PenguinDJ and Aliyaxoxo like this.
  8. Minecraft will disable servers, integrate realms and force everyone to play realms.
    NuclearBobomb and Vortixin like this.
  9. The most likely of stories

    I miss chickeneer's iron shop, Todd_Vinton's 413 mall, and in general being a closer community. 4 years ago I wasn't an absolute pain in the rear to most people on the forums, but instead just occasionally in-game.
  10. Maybe stopping that would improve things? :)
    FadedMartian, 607 and NuclearBobomb like this.
  11. Still waiting for the Dragon Tombs update. :eek:

  12. A.) That's not as fun
    B.) Some people really piss me off so like I gotta go off. It happens in real life as well, it's not necessarily a lack of self-control, it's an apathy towards self-control in the situations

    Without joking I can say I am, but I'm realistic and understand it's never happening.
    FadedMartian likes this.
  13. Hmm... Most changes in the past were also driven by changes and features which happened in Minecraft itself. Although I'm not sure I do get the impression that Minecraft development has slowed down a bit (which I think is a good thing) and the emphasis is currently set on making the game more accessible and more customizable.

    I don't think we'll be seeing too much changes to be honest. The biggest that I can come up with is probably a merging of one of more servers because the amount of players at that time might no longer justify the size of the environment. It is something you can currently already see: although there are plenty of cool buildings and structures in town, a lot of the residences are actually owned by derelict players.

    This idea isn't so much driven from "Microsoft is bad and they're going to dump Java and move onto mobile because money and monetizing" but more so because... let's be realistic here: Minecraft is already a decently taxing game when it comes to hardware and network requirements. There's only so much you can put in there....

    I think that's the part which many players easily overlook: but if you start a new game and you look at the "empty" world then there's a lot of stuff happening around you already. The sun or moon moves, grass can spread, animals will walk around and always be aware of their surroundings and possible events (think about attacking an animal after which it'll run off), and of course the constant checks on (de)spawning mobs. Some crops can grow, liquids can flow, fire can spread, leaves can decay...

    There's bound to come a moment when they reach the limits of what they can add without making the game too taxing for regular hardware. Then what?

    That's a bit what I think is likely to happen: development slows down, some players will become bored because they thrive on new stuff getting introduced every once in a while and eventually the whole thing is going to shrink a bit.
  14. If EMC is still around after 6 years, we would all still be waiting for dragon tombs.
  15. Honestly, I feel like the Minecraft community is resilient enough.

    As an example, dozens of my gift codes (for which I spent hundreds of dollars) were registered to someone in/around Turkey. Mojang refuses to do anything and continues to deny that my account was breached (yet wont just let me see the log of who logged in). I may hate the company and feel horribly betrayed after investing so much in the early alpha. And yet, I still play.

    I'm sure there are lots of ways the company can mess up, and a certain core group of people will still play.
  16. Good lord, we're talking about some old times on EMC! haha

    Like azound was saying, only one kind of wood.

    I'd probably say walking around the entire map trying to either find animals someone didn't tie up or buying them from someone and having to walk the entire map with wheat trying to get them to your residence. Those were some tough times before egging was a thing.
    FadedMartian likes this.
  17. The players will still not have counted past 100 :cool:
  18. Emc in 6 years. Yes, maybe it wont be around... maybe it will.

    If it is... then I can picture a discussion... much like this one. Where is EMC headed... where has it been.

    I can see some commenting they like the changes... others that wanr it how it was. Some players will threaten to leave... others will leave. New players will join... and some old ones may return.

    And then a certain multitude... who quieyly sit and play... have played... will continue to play.. possibly til they no longer can

    I can see someone giving everything away to return to survival... and maybe we will see EMCs first Billionaire...

    Then again... maybe minecraft will have a VR version by then....

    Only time will tell.

    See you in 6 years.
    Esrik and TomvanWijnen like this.
  19. The one thing I remember from 6 years ago is that most players didn't have a ton of rupees, these days with voting and all the other changes rupees are more plentiful and thus shops are less effective (at least from my perspective).

    Definitely more players though, more events.
  20. In 6 years EMC will be broken down into small Empires (which is just a fancy word for factions) stretching across all /wild frontiers. The wastelands will be ever true to its name. They'll be reset only twice a year if we're lucky. Promotional items will no longer be manufactured along with starter gear being obsolete. The madness has spread leaving not one sane player among us. It truly is a mad world a free for all in the great wide open.