EMC games server is now up and running!

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by RainbowPony, Apr 1, 2015.

  1. This was actually really frustrating.
  2. Lol i knew it was a troll when i saw it at the front page
  3. Nice, frontpaged :p
  4. Didnt even start reading before assuming it was for april fools day lol.
    Gawadrolt likes this.
  5. Aww, now I can't troll people with /games anymore..

    *Spits coffee on screen*
    Oh.. you actulley had me thinking krysyy posted this for a sec.. XD
    Rainbowpony1000 and ChrisFlareon like this.
  6. Btw, is the server "up and running" for staff or is it actually fully dead atm?
  7. It's all about the details ;)
    ChrisFlareon likes this.
  8. Should be up for everyone, currently enjoying the parkour :)
  9. if its up for you, it must be up for everyone! *spams /games*
    Rainbowpony1000 likes this.
  10. So confused..
  11. This is an April Fools joke. there is no Games Server... yet.

    Hmm. You are good at looking.
    51501 but some other <stuff> :)
    What else could be linked to directly on the site...

    607 and Nighthawk3846 like this.
  12. You're very, very evil.
    Rainbowpony1000 likes this.
  13. Guys, guys. You got it all wrong. There is a Games server. The April Fool's joke is that this is real! They tricked us all into believing that it didn't exist. There's currently no way to server hop to it or find the server address, but I was able to crack the code. The IP for it is [IP redacted by staff]. Ha, I bet they redacted the IP. But here it is, since they probably won't see this. [IP redacted by staff: reason "we saw it."].
    ChrisFlareon and herocrafter2912 like this.
  14. Why is this on the front page?
    Rainbowpony1000 likes this.
  15. Look at the date.
  16. epilepsy warning*

    also, the command works and I can get onto the server :)
    ChrisFlareon likes this.
  17. I know.. I am wondering how a non staff member got a thread on the front
    Rainbowpony1000 likes this.
  18. Nice try! I noticed before I even clicked it because your name was at the top. :p I like the post, though! :D

    EDIT: Though you did get me in that I thought, at a glance, that it was some April Newsletter before reading the title. :p
    607 and Rainbowpony1000 like this.
  19. The dragon tombs are ready ;) - *yawn* - 65 years and still waiting - like waiting for a bypass to be built lol
    ChrisFlareon and tedrocker like this.