EMC Celebrates 4 Years with Cake, Cookies, and More!

Discussion in 'Empire Events' started by Krysyy, Jul 25, 2015.

  1. Happy 4th Birthday EMC!
    I joined this server like 3.5 years ago. I was looking for a protected town server and found an awesome community with awesome staff, members and a unique way of adding things to enjoy minecraft even more.
    paddy86788 and Lukas_3226 like this.
  2. Is the stairway to heaven still up and running?
  3. Happy Birthday!
    I baked a cake :)
  4. for fun only, but yeah
  5. emc has evolved into a great community
    people leave
    people join
    but emc is allways going to have a great community
  6. Happy 4th, EMC!

    Empire Minecraft is...
    Exploring the wild,
    Setting up shops,
    Talking on mumble,
    Hanging out with friends,
    And, most of all,
    Enjoying the awesome server
    in which the community has helped
    build its great reputation!

  7. Hippy Birthday EMC
    This server is great and is one
    of my favorite things about playing
    But I also have to thank the staff for 4
    years of work to keep this server
    running and growing.
    Thank You Staff
    and Happy Birthday!!!!!
  8. Happy Birthday, EMC! I love this server for everything it has and it is also the only server I play on. :)
  9. Happy Belated Bday EMC!!!!!!
    Hope u guys become #1 server
  10. Happy 4th birthday EMC! :D It was my rabbits 4th birthday on July 25th also so, happy birthday emc and my rabbit Bonnie! :) I love everything about emc, especially the community. I have made so many friends on emc and i would also like to thank emc for being a part of my life. <3 Love you all ;)
  11. Thank you, for having such a nice friendly server for players to access and have fun on. :D

    Thank you, Krysyyjane9191, Aikar, and all of the moderating staff for keeping this server peaceful and prosperous for anyone and everyone to join in and have fun. Also, thank you for the fun events on July 25, 2015. The giant birthday party was fun and it was nice to see so many different players from all of the different servers around EMC. :D
    Thank you so much, and let's enjoy ourselves for the many years and anniversaries to come. :3

    Happy Birthday, Empire Minecraft, and may you have many more to come! :D
  12. can you add the details about broken cakes to the op?
  13. Should all be fixed now.
  14. the best server ive played on best community ever
    ShelLuser likes this.
  15. Hahaha

    You know it is the best server when you are almost the same age but happy bday EMC
    FadedMartian likes this.
  16. You are almost 4 years old?! :eek:

    Man, that is impressive :D

    (edit): sorry, sorry, sorry, I SO couldn't help myself here ;)
    clan23, Ultimamaxx and jkjkjk182 like this.
  17. If 4 years produces 300k members at an exponential rate with no limit on the carrying capacity, I wonder what the next 4 has in store for us...#nerdquote :p

    Happy bday EMC!
  18. Happy Birthday EMC! I love the promotional items and the holiday events! :)
  19. Hey party when October 10th hits ;)
    ShelLuser likes this.
  20. What I love best is the giant effigy of me on smp9, and the unique system, setup and staff that allowed me to pretend I have an ego in a virtual environment.
    No that's a lie, the love best part. The real best part is this is one of 2 places I can interact with people comfortably. I have my issues and EMC has helped me with them. I'd never have managed to find the 2nd place I feel ok if not for the practice gained on EMC.

    It's all true, yes I am that messed up. Don't be sorry don't apologize you had nothing to do with what broke me. you're part of what's helping fix me.

    Then again your head would look awesome in my museum. You should donate it to me. it'd make me feel better. :p