Dress the Shell & win a big prize...

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by ShelLuser, Apr 4, 2015.

  1. Just keep the new end date in mind. You got until upcoming Wednesday.

    And I am looking forward to see what you can come up with, the more the merrier.
    607 likes this.
  2. Are we allowed to use the 2nd layer of the skin?
  3. 2nd layer? Not sure what you mean by that.
  4. 1.8's skin? You know the headset you have? That's a second layer. In 1.8, MC now lets us do a 2nd layer for the entire body, not just the head.
    607 likes this.
  5. Well, here's mine...
    The gold block for EMC is on the front, a redstone torch on the back. Blue shirt for your home server (is SMP2 your home server? It'd be downright embarassing if it wasn't...:oops:) I changed your shorts to somewhat like a redstone block type of pants (although different at the same time) and kept the shoes. They're nice :3

    download (2).png download (1).png

    EDIT: Looking at some of these entries, I now see that we may have had some same ideas...
    607 and ShelLuser like this.
  6. Right, sorry for late comment. Best to keep to 1.7 skin for now, I use a lot of 1.7.x still so.. Steve model (as in first post).

    I'll check out your entry in depth tomorrow, thanks for participating!
    607 and karatekick2001 like this.
  7. Okies. So basically the contest closes this evening (about now). Anything which gets send in before 12am EMC time (so 7 hours from time of writing) will be looked into tomorrow, and anything after that will get ignored where the contest is concerned.

    In the mean time I've changed my skin into something completely different (it is kind of funny) and will change to my new official skin upcoming Friday.

    More news / updates tomorrow :)
    607 likes this.
  8. Well, its tomorrow "local time" but because I probably won't have much time to play until Friday (and because I'm impatient) I'm posting prematurely ;)

    Now, editing / creating a skin might be easy on your guys but its not easy for me. Therefor I soon determined that every contestant deserved a price. But what? So using my highly impressive mathematical skills (even if I do say so myself :rolleyes:) I started counting: 1, 2, 3, many. So you should get 'many' rupees. But what is many?

    I then looked up counting on Wikipedia and determined that 4 comes after 2. It's right there at the top! But I already had imagined a 3 there. So that needs to shift places.

    Long story made longer: every participant gets 1243 rupees for his entry. A prize officially validated by Wikipedia itself! :D

    I just made the payment, can't wait for upcoming Friday to announce the 3 winners.
    haastregt and 607 like this.
  9. I might make some cool renders of these skins... :)
    607 likes this.
  10. The Shell has been dressed!

    Boy, this was quite exciting and difficult. There were quite a few very good entries and at times I really had a hard time deciding, wondering and puzzling about all the places. But alas, eventually I managed.

    The only reason my forum avatar hasn't been updated yet is because I need to log on before the forum picks up my new skin, and so far all I've been doing is being busy on the forums, but that will come soon enough as well.

    First place: BabyCreepersRule

    A hat, an ear piece, new shirt and changed pants.

    And the back featuring 'EMC'

    Sent in through PM and discussed there because it became quite clear that this was going to be the winner. Creeper basically went a bit 'rogue' on me at first by actually removing my headset and more or less replacing it with a hat. And as I told her through PM: if the skin didn't appeal to me as much I probably wouldn't have gone along with it. Alas; she then re-added the microphone, but this time as an earpiece, and after some other smaller changes my mind was more or less made up.

    Second place: DoubleCakes9001

    Front and back of the skin Double sent in

    Third place: Hashhog3000

    Front and back of the skin Hashhog sent in

    Congratulations to the winners!

    It was hard to decide on 2nd and 3rd places and eventually I started sorting the skins based on some similarities. Alas, nothing really left to tell here because in the end it all boils down to personal taste and that is kind of hard to explain.

    As mentioned earlier I think that every contestant deserves a price which is why I've already paid all of you that "Wikipedia approved" amount of rupees. As to the winners: I'll be sending you your prices as soon as I come online, which should be within 10 - 20 minutes from now.

    And thanks for participating!
  11. Thanks so much! :D Congrats to the other winners, and thanks for hosting this contest! :)
    ShelLuser likes this.
  12. Not sure if you're gonna like it but here it is

    Attached Files:

    ShelLuser likes this.
  13. Too late oh well :/
  14. -Opens Google Chrome, Goes to empireminecraft.com, Has an alert about Shel's Skin Thingy, Goes down to see winners, "Second place: DoubleCakes9001" "Woot."-
    The extent of my day is right there ^
    607 likes this.
  15. Too late to enter the competition or be able to win one of the bigger prizes, yes, but I still checked out your skin just now and I really like what you tried to do there. At first I was wondering where my mic went when I took a more closer look and found it still there but a little bit 'hidden'. I also liked the full makeover even though I probably would have commented on the redstone & EMC influences.

    Alas; I like the entry so I'm going to make one exception on the stuff I said above: you'll also get the "Wikipedia approved" contributors award just like the rest.

    Thanks for your entry!
    607 likes this.
  16. Stone slabs never look bad

    Back to topic, ill give it a try

    Edit: it closed all ready :(
  17. Thanks so much, and congrats to all the other winners! :)
    (btw just a minor detail, I'm a girl)
    607 and ShelLuser like this.
  18. I quite like the winning entries, indeed! :)
    I'm wondering why you refer to BabyCreepersRule with "he" and "him", though... ;)

    Aw, you ninja'd me :p
    BabyCreepersRule and ShelLuser like this.
  19. <bows his head in shame> :)

    Fixed! Now for a good excuse on the gender mistake: She was so cool, so she simply looked like one of the guys to me ;)

    (does that sound good?)

    607 and BabyCreepersRule like this.