Dress the Shell & win a big prize...

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by ShelLuser, Apr 4, 2015.

  1. All I can really say about this right now is that I tried.

    As you can see (hopefully; the image is pretty small), all I ended up changing was the shirt (changed the color a bit, made the grass block into a gold block to better represent the Empire, lengthened the sleeves), the spots on the underwear shorts, and I added a small antenna to the headphones.

    I guess I went with more of an Empire theme than redstone. The addition to the headphones was really I all could think of for the redstone integration, besides printing a picture of redstone dust onto the shirt. (My logic for that was if you really wanted redstone on the shirt, you could just go with one of the other great entries; I didn't want to be redundant of them.)

    Looks like the shirt color turned out to be not far off from the original skin. Trust me, I went through a few colors--from pumpkin orange to faded green--before I stuck with that one. Everything else just seemed to clash too much with the warm, somewhat dark colors of the face/hair.

    Anyway, if you actually like it but want something changed, don't hesitate to ask. And with that, I conclude today's edition of Kappsune's completely unnecessary and overly-long essay.
    Gawadrolt, 607 and ShelLuser like this.
  2. I just wanted to throw one in there, so it's not much of anything =P
    DoubleCakes9001 and ShelLuser like this.
  3. Wow, already got more entries than I anticipated, nice!

    So another small update: I'll be testing the skin(s) during the upcoming weeks. So I'll use the skin for one or two days to get a good impression of it, then move on. I'm also thinking about adding a runners up prize but I'm going to let that depend on the entries (and I need to think about what to add, but if I do then I'll be sure to come up with something good).
    607 and DoubleCakes9001 like this.
  4. Runners up price confirmed. 1, 2 & 3. I just need to fill things in.
    607 and DoubleCakes9001 like this.
  5. oh mine is going to be great!
    *5 minutes later*

    Where is the paint option?!!?
    Patr1cV likes this.
  6. dress the shell made by haastregt.png
    so this is mine, I made you blue (smp2 color), put a redstone torch and a gold block on you :). gold block is on the back.
  7. So many good entries, this is going to be hard. But because of all the work that's being put into it I've also decided to add some (hopefully) good runner up prizes as well. Was a difficult decision (I kept wondering about value and all) but...

    Second prize is the Pot of Gold. I figured its worth more in the longer run, also because you can get gold nuggets from it. Note that this particular one comes from my promo chest and hasn't been used at all.

    Third prize is the Cupids bow and one three Cupids arrows.

    I think that makes a nice prize pool, but I'm obviously all open to comments and / or suggestions.
    607 likes this.
  8. Wait!
    I'm gonna submit mine.
    Almost done :D
    ShelLuser likes this.
  9. When is the deadline?
  10. May 2nd
    607 and ShelLuser like this.
  11. Can we change the other sides of the face? After all, you only see the front. No hair colour changes?
    607 and ShelLuser like this.
  12. Yes you can. The main thing is the forum avatar, so the face itself.

    And due to recent events I'm even considering to allow small changes to the face as long as they remain small. Stuff such as my microphone being there is a must ;)

    But more on that later (tomorrow).
    607 likes this.
  13. Oki ;)
    ShelLuser and 607 like this.
  14. Question for you guys...

    Would anyone participating have a problem with me bringing back the end date by 2 weeks? So not going for 2nd of May but the 17th of April (Friday next week) instead?

    When I set that date I was under the impression that you guys would be busy for a few days to get an entry ready. Perhaps needless to say: we're only 4 days into this event and I already got approx. 6 - 8 entries to chose from and that was a bit unexpected for me.

    Now, because there have already been a lot of entries the whole thing works two ways I think. I'm currently busy finding the one I like best, but I can also well imagine that some of you guys would like not having to wait for a few weeks before you know if you won a prize.

    But... Only if all of you participating agree. After all; that's only fair.

    As said I'm currently busy testing all the entries (all entries will be tested at least twice, so 2 separate days where I'll be wearing your entry) and I'm going to carefully check how well things look in-game as well as on the forums. I may or may not comment on some entries, I'm still making up my mind about all places and prizes.
    607, DoubleCakes9001 and hashhog3000 like this.
  15. I'm fine with the deadline being shortened :)
    ShelLuser and 607 like this.
  16. I dont mind too
    Patr1cV and ShelLuser like this.
  17. Yep--I'm fine with a shorter deadline, also.
    ShelLuser and 607 like this.
  18. End date changed; closing date is now the 15th and the end date the 17th (Friday next week). This is to allow me some time to check out any possible final entries (if someone sends something on Wednesday I'll have the whole Thursday to check it out).

    Further more I'm also adding a few extra prizes but I'm keeping 'hush, hush' for now ;)

    What I can say is that I'm pretty surprised with the amount of entries in such short time as well as the quality you guys managed to come up with :)

    One thing is for sure: on April 17th I will be changing my skin :)
    607 likes this.
  19. I always thought that was a black eye... :oops:
    ShelLuser likes this.
  20. Working on a skin now.
    ShelLuser likes this.