Does the server have a record of when a player first joined?

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by Senor_Johnos, Mar 1, 2023.

  1. I don't usually post on the forum, but I am curious if anyone could answer my questions - any help would be greatly appreciated! I was curious to know if the server carries the player information of when a person first joined EMC.

    Since the server announces how long it has been since a certain player was online when they log on the server, I wonder if EMC has the first date logged. I've been a part of this community for a while. And while I usually keep to myself, I am sending this question out to see if anyone knows if this is possible. Again, any help would be greatly appreciated and to whomever reads this, I want to thank you for your time. Hope you have a good day, afternoon, evening, or night, wherever you are!
  2. do /p playername it tells you how long ago you joined then take that and go to google and search "12343 days ago" and it will tell you the date
    Nickblockmaster likes this.
  3. hey :) (ninja'd by revix! hehe)
    Yes it does :D
    if you do /p name in game it will give you down to the hour :)
    the EMC api is a bit more specific
    You joined EMC
    july 23 2016, at 5:21 PM eastern time (plus 20 seconds)
  4. I want to thank the both of you! I knew I had been on this server for a while, and I really wanted a date so I could throw a little party with me and a couple friends! Again, I sincerely appreciate all your help!
  5. Very cool, thanks for posting. :D
    That would be almost 10 years before I was born!
    UltiPig likes this.
  6. Be warned that if the player has not logged into any server on EMC for a given amount of time (Not sure if it's 6 months or more), their records will be removed from the system and "/p <playername>" will not work for that player! It's sad that I can no longer "/p" some old friends of mine.
  7. Their records will be removed from the system? Really? Wouldn't that mean that if they'd log back in again, they would have lost all their items? :confused: That seems so undesirable for the type of server EMC is, that I think I would have heard of it if it were the case.
  8. They're still in the system but when you do /p username the username doesn't come up automatically when typing in their username. You need to know exactly how to spell the username when you type in /p username to see the info. It’ll no longer auto fill because they’ve been away a long time. Like when you type /P Justin it’s not going to show you JustinGuy to see their info until you type the full username and hit enter.
    607, UltiPig and Tuqueque like this.