Do you buy music in a physical form?

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by WayneKramer, May 14, 2017.


Do you buy music in a physical form?

Poll closed Sep 11, 2017.
Yes, I buy music in a physical form (CD, vinyl, tape, etc) 10 vote(s) 26.3%
No, but I do buy mp3s or other digital forms of music 5 vote(s) 13.2%
No, but I do pay for a streaming service (Spotify, Google Play, Amazon Prime Music, etc) 12 vote(s) 31.6%
No, but I do use a free streaming service (Spotify, youtube, etc) 10 vote(s) 26.3%
No, I don't listen to music much 1 vote(s) 2.6%
  1. This has nothing to do with Minecraft, I'm just curious.

    The question is if you, today, buy music in a physical form. This could be CDs, vinyl, tapes, 8-tracks, whatever. Anything but mp3s or streaming.

    Please read all options before voting and vote for the one that most closely resembles your choices.

    Also, if you answered NO in the poll and feel like doing so, please comment below on whether or not you've ever been inside of a record shop before or if there are even any record shops where you live. Thanks.
    ShelLuser and 607 like this.
  2. Got myself like almost 70 records at this point.
    WayneKramer likes this.
  3. Thanks to those who have responded thus far, hoping to get some more responses though. This is for science.
  4. not enough answers, you can do better
  5. No, but used to
  6. I don't think I've bought a CD in over ten years. These days, I purchase the MP3 album through Amazon or Bandcamp if I like an artist's work, but even that's rare since there's such a wealth of great music available for free - either download, stream, or both. My tunes of choice have swung toward youtube mixes and "royalty-free" stuff that allows free download for personal listening (paid licenses required for "commercial" uses like game BGM and youtube videos).
  7. On occasion I'll stroll into the record store and slap down a dollar or two for a 45. Other than not I purchase through Itunes.
  8. Whatever happened to radio? ;) Kinda missed that option in your poll.

    Interesting poll too by the way. I can say one thing: some of the established music industry missed the digital wave big time. Totally didn't see it coming until others started to pick up on it.
    Pab10S and 607 like this.
  9. You didn't make a sheet music option! Kidding. I know that's not what you're talking about. I still buy CDs occasionally as well as stream.
  10. Radio, whether terrestrial or satellite, falls under the "No, but I do use a free streaming service (Spotify, youtube, etc)" option.
    and I also realize that many people might use more than just one option so for the poll I'm looking for everyone to start at the top and go down until they find the one that fits them best
  11. my house is cluttered enough. no way I can justify buying physical form stuff anymore.

    I sadly bought 2 games on amazon for Xbone, and hate it. All my games on Xbone now are digital only.

    and GPM with 40 million songs... who needs physical :p I'm also not an audiophile.
  12. My roommate and I are on a family share plan with Apple, and she has apple music, so I use that, though I used Pandora before that.

    I have two physical CDs in my house, one a game and one a "digital photo album" from my grandmother... haven't bought a CD since i was like eleven.
    607 likes this.
  13. So I do indeed collect records but I also get music in the digital format as well.
  14. I always buy the CD's of the artists I'm listening often too on spotify, I have bought Melody Gardot's The currency of men about a month ago, Wich makes me own all her CD's. I'm currently planning on buying Madeleine Peyroux' Secular Hymns, wich would be the second of her CD's to own. (careless love is the other) accoring to my PC I have currently got 434 Songs/37 albums at my PC, all of them are from physical CD's, most of them from my mother (quite some 70's music from her) My sister and dad also styll my CD's, wich makes us have a quite big amound of CD's in total (too much to actually count)
    607 likes this.
  15. I would absolutely love to buy vinyls if I had the money.

    However, I use Spotify Premium. I'd rather pay £10 a month for the thousands of songs on there than £20 per every record I buy. One day I'll buy albums I really like (really want I Like It When You Sleep For You are So Beautiful Yet So Unaware of It [The 1975], More Life [Drake, etc.], Konnichiwa [Skepta], Harry Styles on vinyl), but for now I can't. :rolleyes:
    607 likes this.
  16. While I use spotify, google play, and MP3s, I prefer to buy CDs and records. Especially since you can find really cheap CDs now and even cheaper records, depending on the condition/artist/date released/etc.
    607 likes this.
  17. No, I don't. I have several albums on Spotify, however. I personally feel that buying music in physical form is
    • a waste of money (where can you listen to this besides your house? Unless you want to carry a CD player around...)
    • a waste of space (all those CDs/records are bulky)
    • sound quality is lesser (CDs for sure, I don't know about vinyl) (I also pay premium for Spotify for better sound)
    Quick edit because I thought of something - CDs are dated tech, and I think using CDs as your music source is synonymous to using Windows 95 and floppy disks.
  18. Not arguing about space. I totally get that. However, thinking that paying more for premium streaming is better than CD quality is completely off the mark. Granted it depends on the CD, but typically, the amount of data that is on a CD is at a far higher level of quality than people want to deal with in streaming. Same goes for video. Download is another story. People got used to much lower quality a long time ago and don't usually know the difference. 1. equipment 2. music source. Without #1, there is no point in improving #2. That's why people think CDs aren't better.
    607 and Carbonyx like this.
  19. But then to enjoy a CD you have to buy expen....never mind. You have to buy expensive headphones as well :p
  20. I've been paying for Spotify Premium for a while now. My father uses Apple Music, but I prefer spotify. I have a few songs that I bought from the iTunes Store, but other than that, I mostly use Spotify.
    To answer your question, there are very few 'record shops' (close to none) here in Singapore. I have never been inside one. Rip.