Do Not Update! 25/10/12 - 10/25/12

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by nfell2009, Oct 23, 2012.

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  1. You do got a point, but do you have a list of plug-ins that I can haz? :p
  2. You mean the custom ones? Here ya go:
    • Empire - manages kicks, bans, groups, server opening/closing etc.
    • EmpireEntityLimit - the lovely thing that silences sheep
    • Residence - EMC runs it's own version, which has to be updated separately.
    • I'm guessing Square will probably have to be updated too.
    Add that to the non custom ones such as SimplyVanish, Lagmeter and Multiverse, and that's a pile of things to update.

    Oh, and EMC directly modifies Bukkit, so that probably has to be changed too.
  3. This is extremely unstable - To the point where it could and can cause corruption of the world/andor player file
    nfell2009 likes this.
  4. Ahh, shame. I wonder if there'll ever be a good way to do it...
  5. So many alerts...
  6. The only way I could think of it working would be if bukkit replaced the vanilla server, so we get the client and the bukkit server update at the same time - Which would cut waits for updates to 1/2 days while plugins are updated.
  7. ^^ That would be amazing! Why doesn't mojang just do that? Instead of making server software each time just work with Bukkit. Oh and tekkit wont get too far with this! xD
  8. I honestly couldn't tell you, I don't see why they don't do it.
    nfell2009 likes this.
  9. So if Square is going to be updated, maybe it'll be new and inporved! :D

    I dont get SimplyVanish and Multiverse; Is SimplyVanish is on Live Map? :confused:
  10. SimplyVanish is what mods use to hide from everyone. /map hide is a Dynmap command to hide from livemap
  11. our bukkit mods are not required. but im going to drop em. updating to 1.4.2 dev build will be very simple.

    But we gotta update all our plugins, ensure new stuff like item frames are protected by container flag, and inspect wither behavior etc to see if we feel it needs any touching.

    now a dev build is out we can start this, but I dont think well be updating to 1.4.2 today. I want to least wait another 24hrs for some bugfixing to be done.
  12. No not really.

    We could of done this too by simply updating Spigot. I reviewed all of the code for enabling 1.4 to connect to 1.3. It was actually pretty simple, just handle the new protocol packets and block using creative.

    But I didn't see the need for us to do it when 1.4.2 itself should of been so close, and having to explain politically why they have to update to 1.4.2 but why its not actually 1.4.2....
  13. It's been said by the bukkit team on the forums numerous times this is unstable and should not be done.
  14. But they could be wrong ;)
  15. I honestly think the people who made bukkit would know..
    SoulPunisher likes this.
  16. I know xD

    I haz been trolled by trolling
  17. oh thx ;)
  18. When is the server going to update?
  19. :D the first bukkit build for 1.4.2 is out :D i'm going to put it up on my server and see how stable it is so far... Here
  20. When it's ready.
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
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