[Discussion] The Wastelands [1.5 Update]

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Aikar, Feb 5, 2013.

  1. not possible no without some serious hacky code.

    And in 10 updates when we start, think of the hassle of having like 40 outposts littered all around...

    Where do we put these outposts? do we have 150 portals at /wild?

    some people will have stuff out at each one, and still need a portal to them. We cant keep collecting portals.

    This method is simply too much work to try to accomodate for. Wed also have ever increasing file system costs from new chunks / dynmap tiles, which hurts the backup system.

    Under this style, we would essentially be looking at 300-400gb worth of data per server in 1 yr.

    Yes there will be messaging.
    mba2012 and will_iamd like this.
  2. Yes! That's a great idea!!! I like it! Yay!!!
  3. A few random names, not sure if anyone else has said them

    • Mainland
    • Backwoods
    • Reservation
    • The Expanse
    • Range
    • Stretch
    • Kevdudeman's happy fun land
    So, yeah, nothing particularly amazing, just a few names to put out there.
  4. I vote for that name :p
    kevdudeman likes this.
  5. Wut? I meant the one in Resident Evil xD
  6. Lol that's where it comes from -_-
  7. I know..? This is getting confusing xD
  8. Is a wild re-naming absolutely necessary? It's so EMC, I would hate to see it go just because it doesn't follow the dictionary meaning :/ (if we did that for everything, wouldn't we need to change the "Empire" part of our name? D: )
  9. Why are we even splitting them like this? surely this would work:


    Wasted Nether
    Wasted End (or whatever)

    So only prefixing the new ones, and leaving the old ones with the names we all know.
    cnquast, mba2012 and catwarrior7 like this.
  10. That is a possibility, but theres still a small degree of uncertainty.

    My general idea is were still keeping the names wild/nether -- just make it more clear WHICH wild nether.

    IF a (male) player says:
    "Lets go to the nether" -- Are you sure which he means? What if he meant the Wasted Nether?
    or "Lets go mining in the wild" -- Again -- Is he going to the wastelands?

    My idea for a prefix for the current wild/nether is to help establish a name that players can be accustomed to using so they are clear with their intent.

    "Meet me in the Wastelands Nether" and "Meet me in the Frontier Nether" -- Its very clear which that player meant, vs "Meet me in the Nether " -- You're now unsure with no way to know which he's meaning without asking him "Wastelands?" -- Do you want chat spammed with clarity questions?

    The only confusing part about prefixing the current wild is its a change for existing players -- Well having the wastelands added on is a confusing change all together to old members...

    But in 2 months, everyone will be accustomed to it and everyone will have it established which is which.

    The tutorial will teach new players which is for what too.

    The idea here is lets choose something thats going to be stable and less confusing in the long run.

    Many other servers do the same thing -- they "name" their worlds so its very clear which your going to.

    Using another server owners who hangs out in IRC with me: "Bastion", "Meet me in Bastion" is clear. Their is no confusion there.

    We need to disassociate with the extremely generic names and ensure we can have terminology in place that is less confusing in the long run...

    Could you imagine how many freakout posts we would get if we stated "We are resetting the Wastelands Wild and Nether"? That prefix is the only thing that sets it apart.

    Everyone who is not fully understanding of EMC's structure is immediately going to think the main wild/nether is resetting.... We will have to clarify 4000 times that the main wild/nether is not resetting.

    Now... If we establish a different name for the current wild/nether, most players will grow to know those names and know the difference. We can simply say "We are resetting the Wasteland, Frontier will not reset", and its clear.

    Now, If we didn't have a name, it would be "We are resetting the Wasteland, Wild and nether are not being reset"
    Now thats confusing again -- it's very unclear.

    Then finally, "We are resetting the Wastelands Wild and Nether, but the Wild and Nether are not getting reset" -- Does that make sense to you?

    It makes it very hard to distinguish which wild/nether is getting reset and which isn't without a name.
    catwarrior7 likes this.
  11. I don't really understand any part of your post... ?

    Can you please rephrase it, or read my above post and see if that clears anything up for you.
  12. I still stand by this:

    Call the current Wild the 'Empire'. The new Wild, the one which will be constantly reset, can be called the Wilderness.

    Job done, and it ties into the name of the servers.

    Each 'Empire' spawn could be a fortress / outpost style spawn point with a few EMC run shops, etc. Make it more of a starting point for an adventure.
  13. Oops, just woke up then. So like... We're wanting to change the name "Wild" to something else correct? Is this necessary or just for something fresh?

    I definitely think that if the current wild stays the same, it would be better to keep it with the same name - unless a change is required for something of course.

    Edit: Your previous post clears most of it up though. :)

    Eh, don't really like that name, sorry :/ 1) it's our general title/IP and should probably stay like that but 2) it just wouldn't work... Wouldn't go at all. (Lost for words today >.> )
  14. Mainland vs. Wasteland sounds good to me.
    Main nether vs. Wasted Nether ... ok.
    It also seems ok to me to add Wasted End and Wasted Dragon. :)
    But, is it really necessary to add separate dimensions? (Keep reading :))

    So changing the seed is the problem ...
    If it wouldn't be a problem, then just one additional (huge) Wasteland-PRA (WPRA) would be enough.
    If keeping the seed, then it would be kind of weird ... finding ores always on the same spots after each
    reset. But perhaps it would be good to have familiar landscape.
    All of that unless the generator changes as well.

    I have an idea: (again :))
    Perhaps it would be an option to delete that WPRA and move its location with the reset,
    so there is no need to pre-generate it nor to change the seed nor add new outposts.
    Only two would be needed - the two that are already there for "Wasteland" and "Wasted Nether".
    For example, first could be (1M, 1M) to (2M, 2M), then for the reset it would be deleted, freeing file system space.
    The next one would be at (-1M, 1M) to (-2M, 2M) and so on.
    Yes, people could travel there again with conventional means and find it, but i think that's not a problem.
    After few years, I guess that (most) locations could be reused without any problems.
    If you would like to prevent population of any of locations designated for WPRA,
    you could - if needed to save file system space - delete the chunks of all of them with each reset.

    Wouldn't that be less work than with new dimensions?

    Additional benefits: no Dimensions-Confusions :)

    EDIT: well, we would still need names for that WPRAs / portals: perhaps "Wasteland PRA" and "Nether PRA."
  15. Everyone just keeps confusing each other in this thread. Makes my brain hurt :(.

    I say keep the current things named that way and then name the new stuff. Harvest, Harvest Nether, Harvest End or whatever. I see no point in renaming everything.
  16. Make it simple and just make a new world(s) called the Wasteland, Wasteland Nether and Wasteland End(?). And keep the Wilderness, Nether and End.
    Pab10S likes this.
  17. I like the names, I like harvest more than waste :)
    SoulPunisher and PandasEatRamen like this.
  18. Please see my last post if you still dont understand why we need a name.... I cleared it up very simple. (We need to stop saying rename - were not renaming, were grouping)

    Not having a name for the old is a problem. In the end its more confusing / complicated to not have a name.

    This accomplishes nothing and complicates everything. It's 10x more work than a new world.

    Under this style, we still have the problem that there is confusion about which areas of the wild is safe to build and which is not.

    The only difference is your calling it WPRA instead of Wastelands.

    The users don't really care about world when using portals and commands., The world aspect is purely an implementation detail to us.

    Having a new world also solves the problem of the live map, where as your suggestion = broken live map mechanics.

    Having a new world or not is honestly not up for debate, as this is an implementation detail that is up to us, that we've already decided on, so can we please drop that discussion and focus on the topic at hand of differentiating the areas your able to build on and the areas meant for harvesting.

    To Re-iterate my points: Not having a name for the current wild/nether is going to be very confusing and end up with our chat spammed with clarity questions. For everyone's sanity, and for less confusion in the long run, we need to come up with a name.

    Without a name there will be confusion and never-ending clarity declarations in chat.

    There will still be "The Wild" and "The Nether", we're just talking about putting a label above their name. to know WHICH wild/nether.
  19. Edited this post:

    • Abandoned
    • Forsaken
    • Lost
    • Ravaged
    • Dark
    • Forgotten
    • Dread
    Slap 'Wild' and 'Nether' after each one, see if any fit. :)
    You could always match it so that if you call it, for example, Dread Wild, Dread Nether, you ramp up the mob spawns to make it harder, etc. *shrugs*
  20. Just for the record - that server's world system is excellent - and something that I think EMC should be proud to take inspiration from.
    mba2012 likes this.